Refuting the narratives

On the Atlantic hit piece, a rule of thumb. just answer these questions.

Did the article come from an openly anti Trump or pro left website?
Did the article contain ONLY unnamed or anonymous sources?
Did the author have a history of anti Trump screeds?
Did the MSM parrot the article widely, and unquestionably as “truth” despite the lack of facts?
Did the article premise run CONTRARY to everything Trump has both preached and SHOWN?
Did the article come out immediately following a political misstep or embarrassment for the dems?
Did the article come immediately after GOOD news for Trump and or America on the economy, jobs, covid 19, etc.?
Does the article disparage Trump to one of his key constituencies, when his actions, and deeds were 180 opposite?
Does the article disparage Trump, while highlighting a dem, despite the opposite being true to the norm?
Is there ANY proof?
is there ANY action ever taken by Trump to make this even SEEM plausible?
Is it in reality the EXACT opposite of what has and actually DOES happen with Trump?
Is there any VIDEO, AUDIO, or CORROBORATED WITNESS of Trump doing the thing of which he is alleged?
Does the article make sense with what you have actually SEEN and HEARD from Trump?

If the answer to ANY of these is NO, HELL NO, it is bullshit. In fact the greater the amount of No’s registered, the GREATER the bullshit the article is. In this particular Atlantic article, the No indicate 100% PURE BULLSHIT.

This hit piece was timed and MEANT to step on the GREAT economic numbers, the DYING of Covid, and the Pelosi debacle. Question, WHY if this was so pervasive and VILE, did it NOT get reported until NOW. There have been COUNTLESS books authored by Trump hating people like Mary Trump, John Bolton, and MORE. There have been COUNTLESS interviews with current and FORMER Trump officials, even from the Military, WHY would NONE of them have not felt the NEED to this THEN, and to have NOT written it in their “tell all “books?

Because it is PURE BULLSHIT. They want us to believe that the ONE man that almost SINGLEHANDEDLY fixed the VA debacle, is pulling troops HOME, and who UNABASHEDLY 100% has ALWAYS supported our vets, Military, law enforcement, and our FLAG, disparaged all he stood for to some “anonymous” sources, and after ALL the hub bub over the flag, and STANDING for the National Anthem to HONOR said vets, we are JUST hearing about it, despite ALL the Trump hating embeds and traitors in his admin?

COME ON, I have a BRIDGE to sell you in Nebraska, it leads to Hawaii, sell it to you CHEAP.

On to the economy. Giggle, TOLD YA. I wrote an article a month or so ago that said that on his current pace, Trump would have the economy and jobs, RIGHT where it was BEFORE Covid hit. and right on Q (pun intended) he DOES. The stocks were doing SO well in fact, that they had to trot out that old fossil traitor Dr Doom Fauci to RUIN the rally, needlessly SCARING the hell out of them AGAIN on Covid, despite EVERYTHING he has said being a LIE, and ALL evidence to the contrary. Do NOT doubt that the Fauci scare was NOT used in conjunction with some leftist billionaire SHORT selling again. We have seen this time and time AGAIN. 800 point drops ONLY happen in conjunction with FEAR and a short sell. Tied and worn out.

ONE problem, short sells are ALWAYS followed by a LARGE sustained rally, and THAT is why they are STUPID short term attacks that will ALWAYS backfire. When they ARTIFICIALLY lower a stock or market, it ALWAYS brings in NEW investors hoping to cash in on the CHEAP prices, they SEE the fundamentals, and they KNOW the economy is getting ready to EXPLODE, despite the dems best efforts to tank it. Trump is SMARTER than them, he KNOWS how to bring it back over and over, because HIS polices are tried and TRUE and ALWAYS work, theirs always FAIL. Know why? THEIR polices ONLY benefit them and a few of their friends or allies like China. Trumps benefit MANY and ESPECIALLY the everyday man and women. He gives money and power to US, not himself and a ruling class. They will NEVER get it. They THINK we are stupid, asleep, SHEEP. They are ABOUT to find out that it is THEM that are the sheep, and WE are the WOLVES come Nov 3rd.

Think of what Trump has been able to do in THREE months since the peak of the Covid farce. He has regained nearly ALL the stock losses, he has regained OVER half of the lost jobs, he has created NEW jobs and manufacturing by bringing HOME our critical infrastructure and medical supplies FROM China. ALL despite seven LARGE dem states NOT participating in the recovery, and STILL shut down. While others are STILL not operating anywhere NEAR peak.

Now THINK, what happens when THOSE areas are addressed? When Covid is OVER, ALL those LARGE states have to reopen, some all at ONCE. Even if they STALL and stagger it, it is a DEATH knell to the Biden and dem agendas. Because EACH will be a JOLT to the already booming economy. So IF they stagger it, they only prolong THEIR misery. What happens when JUST CA and NY reopen? Those are LARGE manufacturing and economic juggernauts with LARGE workforces. Once EITHER reopens, they themselves will be worth NEARLY another point on GDP, and SEVERAL points on the unemployment. Then they have Michigan, Pennsylvania, NJ, WA. OR. and MA. BOOM. Each will be MILLIONS more jobs, and a BOOST to the GDP. Then what happens when ALL the restrictions go?

People who have been pent up WILL go on vacations, trips, cruises, and go to ball games, movies, school, and eat out. The economic boom will make the Yucatan meteor seem like a PEBBLE. They had HOPED to delay it until AFTER the Nov 3rd election, and hoped to STEAL the election to Biden, so HE could take and get all the credit for the recovery. Too bad dems, Trump did NOT wait, he ACTED, and he is going to WIN, and win BIGGER than 2016, and there is NOTHING you can do about it, then in 2021, the economic earthquake will CEMENT Trump as one of, if not THE greatest President in US history, despite ALL the scams, law breaking, espionage, sabotage, sedition, and TREASON committed by the dems and the left.

Do you KNOW that the Q3 GDP numbers come out in a few weeks, RIGHT before the election. They will SHOW, and the dems ALREADY know the truth, there never WAS a recession. There was ONE big artificial manipulation. We went negative bigly in Q2 because of covid, but there will NOT and CANNOT be a second decline ( a recession is defined as TWO or more consecutive quarters of negative growth). The GDP, DESPITE all the lockdowns, Congressional STALLING, LIES, and riots, will be NEAR or OVER 30. Not 3, THIRTY. I am willing to BET that there has NEVER been such a MASSIVE turnaround in ONE quarter. From negative 26 plus to POSITIVE 30. That is, and sit down folks, @ 56 TRILLION dollars in difference from a loss of 26 plus trillion to a GAIN of 30 TRILLION. Not even WW2 accomplished that. ONLY Trump could have done it SO quickly.

Do you KNOW why? because HE and his friends were not SKIMMING like the dems do, he put it ALL towards the American economy and the American PEOPLE. He MORE than made up the 3 Trillion Cares act, which has to drive the dems NUTS, and he paid for it in THREE MONTHS. Wait till the OTHER seven dem states join the party, we may get OVER 10 GPD in Q4. BOOM indeed. The ONLY way to stop this is to f up and elect Biden and dems. Vote accordingly.

As for Covid 19. The FRAUD has been exposed, as have been the FRAUDSTERS. LOL, they ACTUALLY tried a NEW projection of OVER 400000 American deaths by JANUARY. LMAO. So lets get this straight. Covid at its PEAK (of fraud) had killed UNDER 200000 (WAY under, but lets play) in SIX months, when we had ZERO knowledge, ZERO therapeutics, ZERO protocols, and ZERO PPE and equipment, and MASSIVE lockdowns. But it will DOUBLE that plus despite ALL we DO have now. What the F are they smoking?

Gee, it looks to most, who actually CAN read AND understand THE ACTUAL data, AND not THE HYPE, THAT Covid PEAKED IN APRIL AND HAS BEEN dying SINCE despite MASSIVE fraud, massive LIES, AND massive increases in the tests. Gee, MASSIVELY more tests, and MASSIVELY less deaths and hospitalizations despite MORE cases. HMM. there is ONLY one answer. Either the tests are FLAWED and registering FALSE positives, or someone is FALSIFING the numbers, OR BOTH.

See, in EVERY other virus, and disease outbreak, an INCREASE in cases leads to an INCREASE in deaths AND hospitalizations. NOT Covid, it is EXACTLY the opposite. DESPITE the case increase, the DEATH rate and hospitalizations have went DOWN, and are ONLY being propped up by counting deaths TWICE, counting them LATE to create false “spikes”, or counting OTHER deaths as Covid deaths. The CDC themselves ADMITS to ONLY 6% of the deaths attributed to covid, as actually being FROM Covid ALONE. To ACTUALLY die, you had to be MORBIDLY old, and or have MORE than TWO OTHER Comorbidities. what happened to the seasonal flu? IT disappeared. It can ONLY be conflation with covid, and it was intentional.

I think it is IMPORTANT, and a MISSED opportunity to actually EXPLAIN what a comorbidity IS. See the MSM will NOT tell you. A comorbidity is in actuality, ANOTHER DISEASE WHICH ON ITS own, WITHOUT any OTHER “HELP” from any OTHER DISEASE or CONDITON, could or WOULD kill you. an Example is stage four cancer. There are others like kidney, heart, lung, or liver diseases. THESE are the REAL killers, Covid is a groupie, but a CONVENIENT way to prop up covid. Cancer should be pissed that Covid is getting all ITS press. Get it?

Covid in the end will PROVE to be the GREATEST hoax of ALL time. Movies, books, and especially HISTORY, will be written about this fraud and WHO perpetuated it.

The GOOD news is that people ARE waking up, and THAT is why the Pelosi tape was IMPORTANT, it EXPOSED the lie, much like the early camera outtakes that showed the reporters and dems pulling OFF their masks when they THOUGHT the cameras were OFF. They KNOW that covid is a LIE folks, they just don’t want YOU to figure it out, ESPECIALLY before the election.

Know your enemy, KNOW yourself. Tsun Tzu. We KNOW their tactics now, so WE have the advantage. We just need to pass on OUR knowledge to others.

They ACTUALLY want us to believe, that the man who has promised to raise taxes, and DID with his pal Barack will not raise our taxes, ONLY on the rich, gee WHERE did we hear that before? WHAT happened, we got the shaft so much so that it nearly destroyed the middle class.

They ACTUALLY want you to believe the man who was part of the SEQUESTER, which caused our military to NOT have needed monies or supplies like bullets and spare parts, and kept our troops in needless futile wars in far away foreign lands, the man who helped his buddy Barack put in LAWYER led rules of engagement, allowed vets to wait and DIE for healthcare at the VA, and allowed ISIS to run WILD will be better than the man who ENDED Isis, in record time, FIXED the VA debacle, is pulling our troops OUT of Afghanistan and Iraq the RIGHT way, ended the sequester with RECORD funding, and ENDED rules of engagement by LAWYERS, and not Military commanders. Trump to boot has also made NATO, the UN, and other countries not in treaties pay their share for using OUR troops. Joe NEVER did.

They also want us to believe that Biden is better to law enforcement, despite criticizing, threatening to defund, and attacking the character and motivations of law enforcement, labeling them ALL as racists and bigots, and siding with anarchists like BLM, Antifa, and other rioters, looters, and rabble rousers. Trump has ALWAYS supported the thin Blue line, and has defended them at EVERY turn. Trump wants to INCREASE police presence and funding, not replace it with “social workers”. Trump will END the rioting, burning and looting, just like he ENDED the statue toppling.

They want you to believe the man that has PROUDLY supported open borders, amnesty, voting for illegals, and massive funding for illegals, and has promised to TEAR DOWN the border wall, would be better for our security than Trump. The wall is STOPPING illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Under Biden the opioid epidemic exploded, as did illegal immigrants flooding from latin America and taking AMERICAN jobs, and AMERICAN resources for healthcare, education, and welfare programs like HUD, EBT, CHIP, and more. Trump is putting an END to the ILLEGAL immigration, the drug trafficking, and ESPECIALLY the human (child) trafficking, the WALL is a HUGE important part of that. Plus there is THIS. The WALL slows and will eventually STOP illegals that may harbor diseases like covid from randomly and pervasively flooding our country through an open border, making ANY future pandemic WORSE, and UN traceable.

They want you to believe that a man who with his buddy Barack outsourced 10s of millions of American jobs overseas to China, and to Canada and to Mexico is all about creating jobs HERE. PLEASE, he will sell us out AGAIN, just like he did with NAFTA, and was going top do with TPP before Trump ENDED it. Then there is ALWAYS the Paris accord which would destroy American manufacturing via STUPID environmental regulations that OTHER Countries like Mexico, China, Brazil, and India are EXEMPT from. Another giant sucking sound like Ross Perot predicted, only THIS time it would be WORSE, and likely irreversible. Trump ENDED NAFTA, TPP, and the Paris accord. HE put tariffs on China, Mexico, Japan, Canada, the EU, Germany and others to make THEM play FAIR in trade with US via trade deals like USMCA. Trump sided with America and AMERICANS FIRST, and told the foreign countries to go pound SAND. Biden would put another for sale sign on the US economy. He did it before with China, Ukraine, and others, and HE and HIS buddies got RICH, while the everyday American and his towns were CRUSHED and DESTROYED. Remember, the jobs Trump brought back in just 3 short years were NEVER going to come back according to Barack and Joe. Abracadabra, they DID.

They want you to believe a man that was AGAINST stopping travel with China in JANUARY, against the European travel ban a few weeks later, and AGAINST closing the southern border would be BETTER fit on covid than Trump has. Biden even called Trump Xenophobic, and RACIST for those actions. Gee Joe, WHO left the stockpile BARE? WHO outsourced ALL our medical supply manufacture to China? Who did such a PISS poor job on H1N1, SARS, and other flus that it cost hundreds of thousands MORE American lives than covid can ever hope to? That’s right, Joe and his pal Barack did. Oh, and until recently WHO has been HIDING in his basement too scared to come out and actually HELP. Plus WHO is against and has helped the smear on a VERY effective drug in fighting covid, Hydroxychloroquine? ALL on YOU Joe.

Trump RERBUILT both our stockpile and the DISTROBUTION network of that stockpile, giving it to Military control. Trump STOPPPED the travel to and from China and Europe, stopping THOUSANDS more “covid Mary’s” from entering the country UNCHECKED. Trump also lead the way by providing NEW infrastructures in RECORD time. He built ventilators, hospitals, and increased the production of much needed PPE HERE. He bought MILLIONS of doses of Hydroxychloroquine to be used to SAVE lives, AMERICAN lives. He provided support to the first worst hit in NY and CA by building or retrofitting hotels and convention space into usable hospitals, and he did it in DAYS, not weeks. He also brought in two large medical military vessels and support staff to lessen the surge at hospitals, even though they were NEVER used. He also provided MONEY. LOTS of money to small businesses, individuals, and the suddenly unemployed. He signed the largest EVER stimulus package to help stem the tide. He ORDERED US manufacturing to make needed medical PPE, and ventilators at COST, by using the Defense Production Act. And he did ALL this in LESS than THREE months. He ALSO signed Executive orders when Congress FAILED to act, that again gave Americans MONEY by eliminating the payroll tax for the last quarter of a year, extending the EXTRA unemployment benefit of $400 till the end of the year, and prohibited evictions, utility cutoffs, and the like to boot.

Biden only bitched and HID. Trump did not TALK, he ACTED.

They want you to believe a man that openly sided with, refused to condemn, and even funded via his staff the BAIL of looters, rioters, and anarchists, would be tougher on the mobs than Trump. Trump has RIGHTLY offered help via the Military and National Guard to quell the violence, and has even signed an EO putting the price for those that destroyed public property and historical statues and monuments as a FELONY punishable by a minimum of TEN years in a federal prison. Consequently, the statue toppling STOPPED. Trump at EVERY turn affirmed the right to open and peaceful protest, while he CONDEMNED the rioters, looters, and arsonists that are nightly destroying cities like Portland and Seattle while their dem controlled governments do nothing but blame Trump, tell the police to stand down, refuse Trump’s offers of help, and watch as peoples lives and property are DESTROYED. To top it off, they actually have the GALL to seek Federal bailouts to rebuild after THEIR failures.

They want you to believe that a man who would RAISE your taxes, implement the green new deal, killing our newfound energy independence, ban coal mining, ban fracking, open our boarders, ship our manufacturing and jobs BACK over seas, sell us out again to China and foreign entities like the EU, put us BACK in TPP and the Paris accord, once again have us beholden to Mideast oil, politics, and WARS, and cow tow to China on trade, would be better for your wallet and economy than Trump.

Let us NOT forget that it was Barack and Joe who oversaw the WEAKEST recovery from a recession EVER. Let us NOT forget that they WASTED a 2 trillion dollar stimulus on shovel ready jobs that ONLY was a slush fund for dems and unions, Let us NOT forget WHO sent our jobs and manufacturing overseas. Let us NOT forget who despite ZERO % interest rates NEVER managed even ONE quarter of 3 % GDP in EIGHT years, the ONLY President to EVER accomplish that feat of INFAMY. Let us NOT forget who helped Barack APOLOGIZE and DEMEAN America, Americans, and our accomplishments and HISTORY abroad. Lett us NOT forget who enabled ISIS to run WILD in Iraq, and Syria while giving the Mullahs in Iran PALLETS of untraceable BILLIONS in cash in the dead of night to boot. Let us NOT forget WHO got rich, and whose FAMILY got rich while America and Americans at home in the middle class and poor SUFFERED. Let us NOT forget HOW that family GOT rich, by Biden selling out our foreign policy, energy, jobs, and national secrets to foreign powers like Ukraine, Russia, and China. Quid pro Joe.

They want you to believe a man who has been WRONG on nearly EVERY foreign policy decision of the last forty years is fit to be Commander in Chief. Does Benghazi ring a bell? Iraq? ISIS? Syria? Afghanistan? Trump wants us OUT of foreign boondoggles, and energy independence, secure boarders, and no nonsense policies will ENSURE that. Let us NOT forget that it was Barack, John Kerry, and Joe Biden that signed on to BOTH the Uranium One deal with Rosatom, giving Russia control over 20% of our uranium supply, but ALSO signed off on the disastrous Iran Nuclear deal which gave the mullahs CASH and an open door to build a nuclear weapon. As icing, Joe ALSO voted on the deal that Bill Clinton gave Kim Jung Il in North Korea that LEADS to their nuclear bomb armament. Joe is NOT someone I want sending my sons or grandsons to war, and he sure as hell does not need the nuclear codes either. Joe would please the Military Industrial Complex and the Neocons by getting and KEEPING our country in a foreign war, while thousands of Americas youth die for nothing. Trump ended the NK constant saber rattling by showing STRENGTH. He ENDED the JCPOA (Iran Nuclear deal), and he is pulling down our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq the RIGHT way, not all at once on an end date like Biden and Barack did, enabling ISIS and Al-Qaida to swoop in the vacuum. Trump despite the MSM denials and the Russia gate hoax, has been the TOUGHEST President on Russia since Reagan. Trump also has renewed our historic allies in Israel, the UK, and elsewhere while forming NEW alliances in Hungary, Poland, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia. Trump did what MANY promised, but NONE did, he recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel, and accordingly moved our embassy there. Trump FOUGHT NATO and the UN for funding way past due and he GOT IT, Joe never cared.

They want you to believe that Trump is a racist, homophobe, womanizer, bigot, Xenophobe, Islamophobe, and anti immigrant. The TRUTH is that JOE is the racist, he LEAD the opposition to busing. He OPENLY associated with segregationists, including Robert Byrd. He BLANTANTLY attacked the confirmation of Justice Clarence Thomas. Joe has been caught in MULTIPLE groping of women scandals, including the recent Tara Reade allegations, and the Secret Service groping scandal. Biden recently was heard on a radio program telling blacks “they ain’t black if they vote for Trump” He was also heard saying that blacks ” have a heard mentality” Imagine if Trump had said EITHER.

All Trump did was promise African Americans he would DO what no politician had done for them since Lincoln, HELP. Remember the “What the hell do you have to lose” comment. Gee, did Trump DELIVER or what, he before covid, amassed the LOWEST black unemployment EVER. HE along with Senator Tim Scott enacted empowerment zones where by Govt and private partnerships, African American communities were empowered financially to build and start their OWN businesses and communities, where THEY reaped the rewards, and not some politician or special interest. Oh, and lets not forget that it was TRUMP, and not Barack and Joe that ended the superpreadatory prison sentences and reformed and RELEASED thousands of overcharged black prisoners through the First Step act. Trump ALSO had the lowest EVER Hispanic, Asian, and other minority employment before covid. I love how they say he is ANTI Immigrant, simply because he wants LEGAL immigration, not ILLEGAL immigration. There is an OPEN door, they just need to USE it., oh and one last thing, he MARRIED a legal immigrant, one the MSM readily makes fun of, despite her speaking of FIVE languages, and her obvious style, grace and compassion to children.

I could go on and on, and notice I did not even get to Biden’s OBVIOUSLY diminished mental status, I merely focused on his RECORD, and his POLICIES, and what he has openly stated he WILL do if he wins.

The choice is CLEAR. The records and accomplishments (or lack their of) stand in open contrast. One says and promises ALOT, but NEVER delivers for America or Americans. He only catewrs to his family and his special interests.

One stands on PRINCIPLE, and has promised MUCH, and delivered MORE. ALL, despite constant attack, harassments, legal challenges, lies,. propaganda, fake impeachments, fake Special Counsels, and fake Russian dossiers. One has withstood the enemy abroad, and the enemy WITHIN, and adapted and over came, and one has cow towed to the money and pressures abroad.

One fights for US, the other fights for himself and his “causes”. One came IN rich and ONLY takes a DOLLAR for his service. One CAME in poor and GOT rich of the sale of his influence. One says what he means and MEANS what he says. The other promises one thing and delivers something quite else, and NOT good for America or Americans. One is America FIRST, the other is special interest FIRST.

One confronts China and our enemies, the other BOWS to China and emboldens our enemies, and then sends them CASH.

One rebuilt the American economy, not once but TWICE to historic highs of employment, wages, and prosperity of ALL Americans. The other kept us mired in mediocrity and malaise.

One did NOT want power, but uses it WISELY, the other ABUSES power to HIS advantage. One wants to Make America Great Again, the other wants to make CHINA great again. One will SAVE and UNITE America behind the rule of law and prosperity and justice for ALL, the other will DOOM America by dividing America among race, class, color, religion, and ideology, while lawlessness, anarchy, censorship, and poverty and misery REIGN.

The choice is yours. Chose WISELY, for this may be your LAST chance to fix what is broken, and return the America we ALL once knew to her glory of that shining city on a hill that ALL want to come to for FREEDOM.

In the years to come will we look back with humility and pride at what was once again accomplished? Or, will we look back in SHAME and DISGUST for what was once great but destroyed from within? Will ALL be saved and the beacon RESTORED? Or will ALL be LOST, to never see its like again?

There has NEVER been a more consequential choice, there has NEVER been a starker choice. Elections have benefits, or they have CONSEQUENCES. VOTE my friends, and teach your children and grandchildren to do the same, and to be INFORMED, and not fooled. Teach them to think and reason for themselves, not to blindly follow the crowd.

Lets give our children of the 2020’s all the freedom and choices WE had in the 1980’s. This may be our LAST chance to show them the WAY to prosperity, freedom, and justice for ALL.

AS a wise man once wrote. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation, under GOD, Indivisible, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL.

AMEN, and God bless America!

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