REMEMBER. More relevant today than even 2016.

Simply add Obama/Biden along with the Clintons




AMEN Mr. President, and LOOK at the ABSOLUTE HORROR show they show us EACH day with Covid, and the BLM and Antifa riots.



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riot images




LOOK at all the attacks on HIM, his business and his family and what HE takes for us.


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He promised us to FIGHT for us, he DID.

He promised to take on the Cabal he DID

He promised prosperity for ALL AMERICANS, white, Black, Asian, Latino, and he DID it.

He promised to fight the special interests and he DID.

He promised to take on and expose the MSM and he DID.

He has never lied to us.

He did it ALL for us, and ALL for ONE dollar.

REMEMBER the establishment is REALLY after US, look at WHO suffers the MOST from the Covid scam and the riots, it is US. Trump is merely IN the WAY.

in reality



HE is the last defense for US.

WE are NEXT if he fails.

The LEAST we can do is  FIGHT for him the way HE has US.

VOTE on Nov 3rd

VOTE like your life and your families lives depend on it, because it DOES.

This is not just an election, this is a WAR, and one WE must fight, we CANNOT lose for if we do, ALL will be lost.

Don’t think so?  Look at the LENGTHS of destruction and DEATH they went to to Stop Trump.  Ask yourself was it for HIM, or was it for US?

WE are the ones that lost jobs, lost retirement, lost businesses, lost freedom, lost rights. and some lost their LIVES. If we lose the election we will lose MUCH more.

Do NOT let all that sacrifice be for nothing.

Help Trump help US.

VOTE and get OTHERS to vote as well. 


Added hat tip to Singularzoe


” I want to also emphasize the importance of voting in local elections and working to help local candidates. A president can only do so much under the U.S. Constitution–local authorities have a lot of power. Write letters to the editor and phone in on local talk shows. Participate as much as you can. Don’t leave it to the other fellow. Encourage your friends and family to do the same. Educate yourself about the candidates. Don’t wait until the last minute. Elections have consequences.”


5 thoughts on “REMEMBER. More relevant today than even 2016.

  1. I Totally agree with all this and about voting on Nov. 3rd, but I want to also emphasize the importance of voting in local elections and working to help local candidates. A president can only do so much under the U.S. Constitution–local authorities have a lot of power. Write letters to the editor and phone in on local talk shows. Participate as much as you can. Don’t leave it to the other fellow. Encourage your friends and family to do the same. Educate yourself about the candidates. Don’t wait until the last minute. Elections have consequences.

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