MOAB. CONFIRMED Carter Page was a PLANT, not only that he was MUCH more important than even I realized.

ALL credit and hat tip to Gail from the Q Treehouse. SHE found what I had ALWAYS known, but could NEVER prove with a smoking gun, NOW I CAN.  these articles quoted below come from Gail, but I tie them ALL in to the BIG picture using my prior research.

Read THESE links (Emphasis mine)

That DOJ news release in March 11, 2016 says:

…U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said: “An unregistered intelligence agent, under cover of being a legitimate banker, gathers intelligence on the streets of New York City, trading coded messages with Russian spies who send the clandestinely collected information back to Moscow….

Assistant Attorney General John P. Carlin said: “Evgeny Buryakov pleaded guilty to covertly working as a Russian agent in the United States

The FBI obtained the recordings after Sporyshev attempted to recruit an FBI undercover employee (“UCE-1”), (THIS was Carter Page!!)  who was posing as an analyst from a New York-based energy company. In response to requests from Sporyshev, UCE-1 provided Sporyshev with binders containing purported industry analysis written by UCE-1 and supporting documentation relating to UCE-1’s reports, as well as covertly placed recording devices. Sporyshev then took the binders to, among other places, the Residentura….


….Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller is reporting that “multiple sources” have told him that the Trump staffer who brought suspected Russian agent Carter Page into the campaign is former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. According to the report, it was Lewandowski that introduced Page to campaign policy director Sam Clovis “sometime in late 2015 or early 2016”…


Why Carter Page Was Worth Watching
There’s plenty of evidence that the former Trump campaign adviser, for all his quirks, was on suspiciously good terms with Russia.

By LUKE HARDING February 03, 2018

….In the worsening dispute between Putin and the Obama administration, Page sided with Moscow. He was against US sanctions imposed by Obama on Russia in the wake of Crimea. In a blog post for Global Policy, an online journal, he wrote that Putin wasn’t to blame for the 2014 Ukraine conflict. The White House’s superior “smack-down” approach had “started the crisis in the first place,” he wrote…..

And then something odd happened.

In March 2016 candidate Trump met with the Washington Post’s editorial board. At this point it seemed likely that Trump would clinch the Republican nomination. Foreign affairs came up. Who were the candidate’s foreign policy advisers? Trump read five names. The second was “Carter Page, PhD.” Given Trump’s obvious lack of experience of world affairs, this was a pivotal job.

One former Eurasia Group colleague said he was stunned when he discovered Page had mysteriously become one of Trump’s foreign policy advisers. “I nearly dropped my coffee,” he told me. The colleague added: “We had wanted people who could engage in critical analysis of what’s going on. This is a guy who has no critical insight into the situation. He wasn’t a smart person.”

Page’s real qualification for the role, it appeared, had little to do with his restless CV. What appeared to recommend him to Trump was his boundless enthusiasm for Putin and his corresponding loathing of Obama and Clinton. Page’s view of the world was not unlike the Kremlin’s. Boiled down: the United States’ attempts to spread democracy had brought chaos and disaster.

Podobnyy and Sporyshev approached their duties with a certain cynicism laced with boredom and a shot of homesickness, the FBI tapes revealed. Page, by contrast, was the rarest of things: an American who apparently believed that Putin was wise and virtuous and kind…..”

By this point, the Russian spies had been spirited out of the United States. In 2015 their ring was broken up. As accredited diplomats, they were entitled to fly home. Buryakov was less fortunate. At the time that Page joined Trump’s campaign, Buryakov pleaded guilty to acting as an unregistered foreign agent. He got two and a half years in a US jail….


Thank YOU Gail, you JUST proved my assertion that Page WAS indeed a PLANT. I have a Question, did Buryakov just happen to work for one Igor Sechin?( I bet, without looking he DID.) I ALWAYS asserted that Page was both CIA and FBI KNEW it because he worked for BOTH on the Sechin case FOR US.

You and those articles, which I had never seen before, PROVED my assertion. BUT, and this is BIG for me. I wonder did you SEE it in the articles? READY?

Recall that I ALWAYS maintained that the Trump setup goes BACK into EARLY 2015, and NOT 2016, as has ALWAYS been asserted by team Cabal.

“Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller is reporting that “multiple sources” have told him that the Trump staffer who brought suspected Russian agent Carter Page into the campaign is former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. According to the report, it was Lewandowski that INTRODUCED PAGE TO CAMPAIGN POLICY DIRECTOR Sam Clovis “SOMETIME IN LATE 2015 or early 2016”…

See the dates, that puts Page, now a PROVEN spy, being “introduced” read getting PLANTED into the Trump sphere in LATE 2015, WAY before he was ACTUALLY brought in MARCH of 2016. Do you THINK Page walked off a turnip truck in 2015, NO he was INSERTED to do to Trump EXACTLY what he did to Sechin via Buryakov .

Trump’s Buryakov was to BE Lewandowsky or Clovis. Remembers, at around the SAME time Halper was making Clovis overtures, AND recruiting Papadopoulos. It is ALSO the time that Manafort was set up in Ukraine with the Black Ledger LIE By Alexandra Chalupa and Marie Yovanovich.

Gee, just as I ALWAYS said, the timeline is SCREWED. ALL of these events were BEFORE Crossfire BEGAN on July 31 2016.

THANK YOU GAIL. You JUST proved my point AND gave me a NEW avenue to pursue. Carter Page WAS A PLANT, and HE KNEW IT from the BEGINNING. HE KNEW THE MARK, and it was TRUMP.  He NEVER was an “innocent” he KNEW precisely what his job was and THAT is why he HID from us all, until FORCED to reveal it, that he WAS a CIA employee, AND he ALSO was an FBI employee, know how I know this?  IT IS EASY to prove.  PreetBahara PEROVES IT..  Page was woking the Sechin case via Buryakov DOMESTICALLY, because THAT, in NY, is where Buryakov was located.  The FBI operates on crimes DOMESTICALLY, the CIA is ONLY supposed to work OFF Us soil.  Ergo, SINCE Page was working Buryakov , he was working DOMESTICALLY, that means LEGALLY, he HAD to be an FBI employee, and working for THEM at that time, and NOT the CIA.


B O O M.  Do you KNOW what that means?  That Clinesmith letter and ALL that hubbub by Sundance was BS. Clinesmith was ORDERED to alter that letter on Page.  NOT because he wanted to HIDE it from the FISC court that Page was CIA and worked for US on Russian cases, BUT because he HAD and WAS working FOR the FBI on DOMESTIC Russian cases, and COMEY HAD to KNOW IT. THEY ALL DID.  They wanted that LIE to get the FISA not to BURN Page, but to Make him MORE effective in his task. THAT explains why Page was NEVER arrested, and NEVER charged.  HE was ALWAYS an informant and a SPY, and he HAD to know EXACTLY what he was doing and GOING to do.

The Clinesmith letter was to HIDE that Page was and HAD been an FBI asset.  He was STILL working on his task when that FISA was issued.  The Michael Issakoff leak of his name is what BURNED him.  HE brought his presence TO Trump, so the FISA was CHANGED from Page specific to “hops”  THAT is why ALL the renewals and the DATES of the renewals were HIDDEN from us and are STILL covered up.

GAMECHANGER. This DIRECTLY implicates those ABOVE Clinesmith, including James Baker, Bill Priestap, Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, James Carlin, AND James Comey.  It ALSO has to implicate MANY? in DOJ, most likely Bruce Ohr, Sally Yates, and Loretta Lynch.


Now, we NEED to know WHO introduced Page to Lewandowski, and we have the PATH back to WHOI was doing the planting.

THIS is EXACTLY what they were TRYING to do to TRUMP…O M G !! YOU FOUND IT!!!!

U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said: “An unregistered intelligence agent, under cover of being a legitimate banker, gathers intelligence on the streets of New York City, trading coded messages with Russian spies who send the clandestinely collected information back to Moscow…..

Remember the allegations in the dossier, that Trump WAS beholden to Putin, and it was over a FAILED Trump Tower Moscow deal AND the alleged sex tape. They NEVER focused on the sex tape, it was ALWAYS the premise above, that Trump owed Putin (read Deutsche and Alfa bank) MONEY. They were attempting to not DISCOVER a money trail, but to PLANT ONE via Page. OMG, we HAVE IT.  Remember Page planted listening devices and BINDERS of proof that PROVED the US to Moscow MONEY TRAIL

Now tie in the MONEY trails used on Papadopoulos, the Cohen Prague meeting, the Alfa bank pings via Jean Camp, The Manafort, and Cohen FARA violations. Even the Don Jr Trump Tower meeting on the Magitsky act. Then you have ALL the intimations by Hillary that Trump was NOT wealthy, he was broke and he owed Putin.
Then, ALL the attempts at Trumps TAXES.

The dossier ALLEGED that Trump was beholden to Putin over MONEY. The golden showers were inserted LATER.  (by Steele, probably at Clinton’s behest).  I assert the dossier was created by ILLEGAL 702 about Queries by Nellie Ohr in EARLY 2015.

Well, this ALL ties in.  The dossier was THE predicate.  IT started with the Cohen Prague leaks, and was “sensationalized” with the sex stuff to PEAK the public and MSM interest. ALL this time they were alleging the EXACT thing that Page DID to Igor Sechin a Russian Oligarch, created a money trail to Moscow.  They were ALWAYS going after Trump via FARA.  ALWAYS.  They used ALL those setup to PROVE that alleged money trail.   ONE problem, Trump’s Michael Cohen was the WRONG Michael Cohen in Prague. So that bagman narrative FELL APART.  Ohr made a SIMPLE mistake, she did NOT cross reference the SS#’s or passport activity of Trump’s Michael Cohen.


So they MOVED on to Manafort, created a trail via the Black Ledger in Ukraine, and CHARGED Manafort with…ta da… FARA violations and TAX FRAUD. ALL later proven to be a LIE and setup by A CORRUPT Ukrainian FORMER politician, and MP, and Marie Yovanovich, I bet Kerry and more at State like Taylor WERE involved as well as Alexandra Chalupa HERE at the US Ukrainian embassy.  This too was in MARCH of 2016.


That failed, and they then used George Papadopoulos as the NEXT mark.  Recall he was set up over supposed “advanced” knowledge of the Wikileaks by Trump. But We KNOW that was a LIE as Halper and Mifsud themselves planted that info in APRIL of 2016, and then HARVESTED the info in front of Alexander Downer in London in MAY of 2016.  BUT, THAT was to distract AWAY from the WikiLeaks, and to FOCUS the predicate on Papadopoulos.  They were able to put “Russians” in contact with a Trump associate, discussing a exchange of INFO, they INFERRED the collusion and the MONEY.   But it gets BETTER.  They RE set up Papadopoulos a year later in 2017, with an attempted 10K money sting in Greece using Charles Tawill, and a trip to Israel to discuss the coming oil pipeline through Cypress. Papadopoulos was too smart, he LEFT the money with his lawyer and Wife (they were on their HONEYMOON) in Greece, and he was ARRESTED anyway and charged with lying to the FBI.  They REALLY wanted that 10 K JUST over the limit of $9999 you can bring in LEGALLY to the US undeclared.  a FELONYThey NEEDED that money trail.  SO they tried to CREATE it. JUST as The black ledger did to Manafort, JUST as the Dossier tried to do to Michael Cohen, and later DID but it had NOTHINNG to do with Trump, it was Cohen’s OWN shady dealings on Taxi medallions.  AND, JUST as Page was attempting to do TO Trump like he did before to Sechin.

They ALSO tried to insert a Russian, Natalia Veselnitskaya into Don Jr’s affairs.  AGAIN using WikiLeaks, and Russian “info” as some sort of a quid pro quo, to I am SURE NOW have Page fabricate via his insertion.  This too failed as the talk turned to the Magitsky act, and Don Jr blew her off.  Manafort was ALSO there, a fact NOT lost on me.

They NEEDED that implied money trail, and Natalia Veselnitskaya met with Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS ( debrief) BEFORE and AFTER that meeting. Even though she was in the US AGAINST the request of Preet Baharra, yes the SAME Baharra mentioned in the articles above.  Natalia Veselnitskaya was here on a SPECIAL VISA, one that circumvented Baharra’s authority as the SDNY US attorney.  It HAD to be someone BIG, like Lynch or Kerry or HIGHER to do that.  THIS is the Grand Jury material the left ALWAYS is suing for, because they THINK Don Jr was a subject over this, but was NOT indicted. Recall the EXTENSIVE House Intel questioning of Don JR, they were FISHING and trying to entrap him in a LIE, because Trump Tower was bugged via the Manafort FISA that HAD to be there, but,  Don Jr HAD the transcripts TOO, because ALL major exec record office meeting conversations, so he BEAT them.

Then we move on to Carter Page. LAST of all the setups and put forth as THE predicate to rewrite the timeline messed up by all the spying that DID occur prior to the beginning of Crossfire Hurricane on Jul 31 2016.  Page was as I put it before “retroactive” justification for ALL the other stuff.  His FISA allowed the other prior spying to seem “LEGAL” even though it was NOT.


The timeline got SCREWED by Adam Schiff in 2018, when as a counter to the Nunes memo Adam Schiff released a counter memo revealing the predicate as George Papadopoulos, and NOT Carter Page.  As Nunes asserted.  Nunes HIGHLIGHTED the dossier as the motive to FISA Page, and Schiff HAD to defend the dossier, THE TRUE predicate, so he SCREWED it all up.  Papadopoulos and all the others BESIDES Carter Page were PRIOR to Crossfire being STARTED, and therefore were ILLEGAL, and inadmissible.


That is what I ALWASY thought, until TODAY.   I MISSED IT.  Carter Page was not a retroactive justification, even IF that is part of what he was used for. HE was the PALNT.  HE was THE lynchpin.


ALL of the OTHER setups were to enable and PROVE what he was there for, to find or FABRICATE  a money trail between Trump and Russia, making Trump a Russian asset, and COMPROMISED. JUST as Page had done BEFORE for the FBI on Igor Sechin, using Buryakov, nearly the EXACT same set up.  They were going to USE the Jean Camp pings as a “proof” of CODED messages.  IT happened Oct 31 2016, and Hillary Clinton AND John Podesta BOTH tweeted on it.  Look at ALL the people Mueller Charged.  They ALL were charged with FARA and TAX FRAUD, except Papadopoulos, he was charged with LYING, but he was caught “lying” about the REAQL attempted setup that 10K in CASH from Tawill.  SO THAT too fits.  Look what they took down Flynn with, NOT the lying to the FBI, it was FARA stuff on consulting.  A PATTERN, and One I MISSED.

See, I KNEW Page was a PLANT, and a SPY, but I underestimated his IMPORTANCE.  He was NOT an unknowing victim, he was a KEY PART of what was to be a setup and take down of a setting President.  He was NOT meant to STOP Trump from becoming President, that time had PAST, he was MENAT to REMOVE Trump AFTER the election, via proving the money compromise to Putin alleged IN the dossier, and “proven” by ALL the other Trump associates charged with FARA and money crimes.


PAGE was to BE Mueller’s STAR witness. BUT, they had a PROBLEM.  Page’s PRIOR work FOR the CIA AND FBI  was an ISSUE.  Especially when one SEES the EXACT thing that Page DID to Sechin was what hew was DOING to Trump, and FOR the FBI. THAT would have undermined Page’s status.  SO they HID the fact of his work FOR the US via Clinesmith’s edit.

BUT, we ALL missed it.  We thought that Clinesmith HID Page’s CIA work via the edit.  BUT, he wasn’t hiding THAT, he was hiding as I explained above his FBI work.  THAT info would have DERAILED the Page FISA’s, and the RENEALS that Mueller was going to use to complete the money trail.  INSIDIOUS.

Page was FAR more important, and EVIL than I thought.  I NEVER bought his “Aw shucks Opie” routine. NOW I know why my gut reacted that way. Page not only was a SPY, he was a KNOWING SPY.  Now, couple that with the FACT that he was PARADED on EVERY major conservative show that would have him, and he LIED like HE was a victim.  He INFILTRATED US and OUR movement.  INSIDIOUS!.   I recall VIVIDLY his response to HANNITY WHEN Sean finally revealed that Page did IN FACT work for the US govt.

“Yes I did, but I am a Patriot, and I did it for FREE”  PUKE!

I KNEW he was lying then, NO ONE sets up the Russian Mob (Sechin) and not only LIVES to tell it, but goes on TV and parades around in the OPEN, without protection.  Not UNLESS he WAS protected, because he IS CIA/FBI.

Then we have the FACT that he was NEVER arrested by Mueller, and NEVER even charged or indicted, DESPITE being labeled as an “agent of a foreign power”  People ASSUMED it was because he was railroaded, it WANSN’T he KNEW, he just had to hide his intentions while the Cabal HID his PROVIDENCE.

THINK NOW.  All the SD stuff from last week,  the stuff highlighting the SSCI coverup, revealing Aldenberg, and demeaning Durham AND Barr.  SD ASSUMED that Page was SET UP, and that the SSCI, James Wolfe, and Warner were HIDING the deeds done to HIM in the FISC court.  They were NOT covering up the FISA app alterations or FALSE info from Clinesmith, they were ALWAYS covering up PAGE.

I want you all to consider something.  People ASSUME that the FISA that Wolfe gave to his reporterette mistress Ali Watkins, was to AID the coverup, and then Wolfe was NEVER prosecuted and plead out.  What IF Wolfe was not covering UP the FISA, but was RELEASING it to SHOW that Page was a bad actor.  Recall the DATE was WRONG and UNREDACTED. It ALWAYS struck me on that.  It DID NOT help the Cabal.  WHAT might it’s TRUE purpose have been. Is there SOMETHING still redacted in that ORIGINAL FISA Wolf released that PROVE Page was FBI,  and that THEY KNEW IT? What IF it was MEANT not to HURT Trump, but to HELP reveal the enemy within, Carter Page, and just WHO knew it.

We ASSUMED Page was on OUR side, and Wolf was on THEIR side, what if it were flipped?  Sure would put a twist on things, I WANT that Wolf FISA completely unredacted now and gone over.

The Cabal STILL have a timeline problem, but NOW they have a PAGE problem too. Time to put Opie under the microscope, and put him under OATH.  I JUST need ONE question.

“Mr. Page” at ANY time in 2014,- 2016 did you work FOR the FBI?

He HAS to answer yes, and that BLOWS UP  the entire charade.  It highlights Page as a spy, and then his TRUE purpose can be compared to his BODY OF WORK for the FBI. IT ALSO proves the FBI KNEW and that gets us significantly UP the ladder.  It ALSO brings the dossier RIGHT BACK TO the FRONT, where it belongs,   See PAGE too was a means to “prove” the dossier, and or PLANT the evidence to MAKE it true, and then be the STAR witness in the Mueller trial of the century.  AW SHUCKS indeed.


YOU did it Gail, YOU found the smoking gun. YOU have my praise, YOU should get an AWARD. YOU allowed me to tie up the loose ends.  BRAVO!

11 thoughts on “MOAB. CONFIRMED Carter Page was a PLANT, not only that he was MUCH more important than even I realized.

  1. Not sure about the Wolfe thing just yet, will have to watch it play out a bit more first. 100% with the “Page was intentionally planted in the campaign” though. Have always given him the side eye for the same reasons listed above. Nice work by Miss Gail on the research and great job putting the pieces together Rex. We have an exceptional crew at the Q Tree!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Great post. But no, I don’t think Wolfe is a good guy at all, but Never Never believed Carter P. and it made me sick to see him pitied and lauded by certain people on Fox.

      Liked by 4 people

  2. Prog I left a whole bunch more comments on the last page.

    CRITICAL is Corey Lewandowski….
    I thought he had been with POTUS for a LONG time but that is not the case. He was a POLITICAL OPERATIVE from college on!
    “…Lewandowski first met Trump in April 2014 at a political event in New Hampshire….” His salary in the Trump campaign was $20,000/month.

    Prior to that Lewandowski. worked for Americans for Prosperity (AFP), –founded in 2004, [it] is a libertarian/conservative political advocacy group in the United States funded by David Koch and Charles Koch.[5] As the Koch brothers’ primary political advocacy group, it is one of the most influential American conservative organizations….” — WIKI

    The Koch bros are no friends of POTUS. They want Amnestry for DACA among other things. (A bit of jealousy too I think.

    People at Americans for Prosperity


    At this point I think we have to go back and LOOK at everyone surrounding POTUS. I think a lot more were compromised than we think.

    (If they were indicted they were probably good guys.)

    “….When Lewandowski was hired, Trump’s political staff consisted of three people: his lawyer Michael D. Cohen, veteran operative Roger Stone, and aide Sam Nunberg. In April 2016, another veteran GOP operative, Paul Manafort, was hired; the following month Manafort was named “campaign chairman.” Nunberg was fired in early August 2015;[34] he believes that it was Lewandowski and campaign press secretary Hope Hicks who asked Trump for his ouster.[35] Stone left the campaign a week later….” — Wiki

    Michael Cohen ==> INDICTED
    Roger Stone ==> INDICTED
    Paul Manafort ==> INDICTED

    Lewandowski ==> Days after leaving Trump campaign, he was hired by the cable news network CNN as a political commentator.

    Sam Nunberg ==> UNKNOWN, listed as a Republican policy analyst.
    ““Donald Trump won this election on his own. He campaigned his ass off. And there is nobody who hates him more than me.” Sam Wiki

    Liked by 3 people

    1. If you read the Wiki on Corey L. he sounds like a political Wanna-be in his early 40s. He flitted around BUT
      “….He also held the position of Seasonal Marine Patrol Officer Trainee for approximately 3.5 years and successfully graduated the New Hampshire part-time Police Officer Academy….”

      In other words he was NOT successful.

      POTUS had made enough noises about possibly running that I think Corey L. was ‘introduced’ to POTUS at that April 2014 political event as an ‘insurance policy’ In January 2015 he was offered the job of campaign manager.

      Corey L. even blew the job at CNN and then blew the job at OANN.


      Liked by 3 people

      1. REMEMBER Obama was SPYING on POTUS since the ‘birther’ stuff so ‘They’ would KNOW he was planning a run in 2016.

        “Trump prominently injected himself into the birther movement in April 2011, as he was mulling a presidential run.”

        I do not think Corey L. was a spy so much as an albatross they tried to hang around his neck. I also think he was used as an unwitting conduit such as the Carter Page intro. and a target for embarrassing incidents which he seems prone to. SMOOTH like Pence he is not.

        “…Sources tell TheDC that Lewandowski introduced Page to Trump campaign policy director Sam Clovis sometime in late 2015 or early 2016. During the brief encounter, which occurred in New York City, Lewandowski suggested that the two get to know each other….”

        If true the intro to Sam Clovis was BEFORE Corey L. joined the campaign in January of 2016. Also if Page was wearing a different persona Corey may NOT recognize him.

        Liked by 3 people

  3. On the subject of Corey and Trump.

    Sam Nunberg gives us the key:
    ““Donald Trump won this election on his own. He campaigned his ass off. And there is nobody who hates him more than me.”

    President Trump said to US, his supporters, “I will never lie to you.”

    You have to parse that. POTUS MEANT I will never make you false campaign promises. It did NOT mean he would not lie, mislead and trick OUR adversaries. We are in a war after all.

    Back to Corey. I think Corey was a HEAD FAKE.

    There were 17 candidates, many well know political figures who ALREADY had the cream of the crop as far as political advisers went. They all thought President Trump was a joke. However POTUS did not want a conventional campaign so those people were USELESS to him. Jared, POTUS and a few other trusted people had ALREADY mapped out the campaign so all they needed was a figurehead and that was Corey. POTUS did not want someone who would not take direction but he also wanted someone who was a bit familiar with the political scene. That was Corey. Sam I think probably expected to ‘direct the candidate’ and ran into the REAL Donald Trump who is abrupt and does not suffer fools gladly.

    Carlos/Wictor posted a story of POTUS a few days ago. It was about President Trump arriving late to a meeting (Veterans day parade?) ticking people of. He quickly outlined their problems, gave them the solution (A list of people who promised to donate.) and walked out. I do not think he even sat down. For the political animals like Sam Nunberg , where ‘presentation’ is everything and substance is ignored, it must have driven him NUTZ.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Agree, remember, Trump uses people for specific tasks, and then either reassigns or retires them. Lewandowsky had a task, Manafort had a task, Kellyanne had a task. I think the REAL campaign manager was Trump HIMSELF.

      People like Brad Parscale, Jared Kushner, and Steven miller were the chief strategists, Brad online, miller policy, and Jared above them all. Then you had people like Clovis that handled the old guard funding.

      Trump has ALWAYS been Trumps BEST advisor, and spokesman.

      I saw that speech LIVE the one that is posted as the one that got him elected. Trump was NOT just talking campaign promises, I took him at his WORD, he will NEVER lie to us, and he takes ALL the slings and arrows for US.

      Liked by 1 person

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