New theory on the “Impeachment” sham.

So guys, I am sitting here reading an article on the Gateway Pundit by By Joe Hoft stating that the suspected “whistle blower”, Eric Ciaramella,  recently outed by Paul Sperry at Real Clear Investigations (with a hat tip to @Fool_Nelson on twitter.) was the “Charlie” listed in some of the Page/Strzok texts discussing the “insurance policy”  Page and Strzok were trying to reach out to certain people in the new Trump transition team.

Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson were specifically questioning AG Barr about the “Charlie” mentioned in those texts in an April 25th 2019 letter. (Hat tip Sara Carter)  No one appears to know who “Charlie” is, but it appears that he was an Obama holdover embed left in the NSC that was on or available to team Cabal.  According to Dan Bongino in his podcast, Ciaramella is pronounced (pronounced char-a-MEL-ah). Now that is not too much of a jump to be “Charlie” for short.  On this part I am with Bongino.

We know from Mike Cernovich that Ciaramella was “an NSC staffer who dealt with European and Russian issues… who…  reportedly left the NSC after receiving death threats.”

That means that Ciaramella was IN the Obama White House, worked with Joe Biden, and was an authority on Ukraine.  Cernovich went further and stated that Caramella wanted to sabotage Trump…FROM WITHIN.   Hoft says in his article “Ciaramella was Obama’s NSC Director for the Ukraine.  This connects him and his team at the NSC to Joe Biden.  Biden was Obama’s lead in the Ukraine so it’s implausible that Ciararmella and his team were not connected to Biden.  Schiff’s leakers are connected to Biden also.”

Well there we have it This Ciaramella had a motive (he was fired by Trump shortly AFTER being outed by Cernovich as wanting to betray from within)  He had opportunity, he was a NSC staffer in the Obama WH and under HR McMaster in the Trump White House. He had access to do major harm, and LEAK as the WH COS top aide.

This guy ALSO had connections as the Director for Ukraine to the bad guys in Ukraine like Porchenko, Yovanovich, and Alexandra Chalupa, not to mention Bill Taylor, and Alexander Vindland. He also would be connected to the two former NSC staffers that Schiff recently hired on his staff RIGHT before this farce began in  Abigail Grace and Sean Misko.  He SURELY also had to have Contact with Joe Biden not only in his position on the NSC, but ALSO as director of Ukraine.  Biden was put in charge of “anti-corruption” in Ukraine by Obama, so he had to work CLOSELY with Biden, as HE would have had the Ukrainian knowledge and connections…Perhaps the Oligarch that OWNS Burism, Mykola Zlochevsky, who just happened to be the FORMER minister of natural resources under Viktor Yanukovych the former President of Ukraine. Nothing to see here right?

So In short, I concurr with Sperry, Fool Nelson, Cernovich, Hoft, and Biongio. There is a 99% chance that Ciaramella IS the “whistle blower”.  My bet is that Bill Taylor and or Alexander Vindland are the “sources” for Ciaramella.  But, I am a to the point guy.  What is the POINT for all this, and it is NOT “impeachment”, at least not on OUR side.

I can see the reasoning behind the Cabal utilization of this as an “impeachment” cover.  Mueller had JUST failed MISERABLY when this call too place in July, like ONE day before.

I can see them trying to use this as their next gambit.  But WHY this, this is FLIMSY at best, and to have REALLY worked, it would have REQUIRED that Trump DID NOT release the transcript. But, Trump DID release it…QUICKLY too, like he was EXPECTING this…I mean REALLY expecting this.  In other words he had this READY to go.  It was declassified in RECORD time, with Zelensky’s consent.  Hell that was QUICK, too quick.

Here is my new twist to this story, I am all about the POINT and WHY.  The WHY being on Trump’s (our) side.  I kept asking myself WHY go to the wall all in on THIS, there had to be DOZENS of other calls that they could “use” to “get” Trump.  WHY this call?

I have speculated before that it was because that Trump explicitly mentioned not only CrowdStrike, but ALSO the “server”.  It was that SERVER that set the deep state off, it had NOTHING to do with Biden or his son, it was that SERVER.  I will let you read my other post on to just what I think that server held.  Read it here:

So that server was the key, and they had spies in the NSC and Ukraine looking OUT for that server, while also watching ANYTHING that could lead to that server, like a Trump phone call to the new Ukraine President Zelensky.

Now KNOWING that right after Mueller’s report was finished, WHAT happened.  In May AG Barr was testifying before Congress.  Barr states that he is CONCERNED that there was “political” Spying on Trump in 2016 and before, and that it was weaponized against an American and used foreign agencies.  He said he was GOING to look into the the START of what brought about all the spying and IF it was justified.   In other words, he was going to have an investigation OF the investigators of 2016 ALL of them.  He ALSO revealed that John Durham was ALREADY looking into that and HAD been for some time.

The Congress critters on the Dem side were SHOCKED. They had NO idea. That is when they REALLY started looking for something, ANYTHING to try and get Trump, but they ALSO had to be keenly aware of ANY activities by Barr, Durham or others that might LEAD to all the sedition, conspiracy, espionage and TREASON they did during that run up in 2015-2019.

Mueller had failed, even though they would try for one last bite of that apple in a show hearing, but that backfire SPECTACULARLY.  That back fire was ONE day before this call.  NO coincidence here right.  Of course the Dems were WORRIED about that call.  Ukraine was a DEN of dem corruption in 2016 and BEFORE.  It was a MAJOR line of Cabal pay for play, corruption, and subterfuge.  That call, coupled with Rudi Giuliani and others snooping around the Ukraine for that corruption and how it lead to the coup against Trump, AND a new “Trump friendly” President in Ukraine, Vladimir Zelenski, had to raise LOTS of PANIC and red flags in the Cabal.

So they listened in on that call, as they had obviously had all their spies do before (like the Australian PM, and Mexican President…which I bet was leaked by one Mr. Eric Ciaramella,) They were looking for what Trump KNEW, and were worried about what Trump might or had ALREADY found through Giuliani.  They had to PANIC when Trump mentioned CrowdStrike and Server in the FIRST few minutes of the call, and I mean SHIT themselves panic.  Then they heard about Biden and his quid pro quo with his son, and realized that THAT lead DIRECTLY to the White House.  Something had to be done. They HAD to both discredit this call AND stop Trump from getting the Holy Grail, that server.

That is when Schiff and others like the network of Ukrainian spies in State and the NSC, went to work, they concocted the Trump quid pro quo, to supposedly HIDE the Biden quid pro quo.  BUT, it was REALLY to HIDE that server, and to STOP Trump and others like Durham and Barr from GOING to Ukraine and GETTING that server.  They used all their embeds on this one, Vidland, Taylor, Yovanovich, Ciaramella, and even tried to bring in Volker and Sondland as “corroboration”.  They KNEW that the friendly MSM would spin this ANY way they wanted.  Schiff sent an assistant, either Abigail Grace OR Sean Misko to Ukraine to meet with Taylor and Yovanovich to see “how bad” it was going to be for team Cabal.  It must be BAD, because within two weeks of that visit, and the more after the call, THAT is when the “whistle blower” met with Schiff, and then filed his complaint with the ICIG, Michael Atkinson, who being part of team Cabal, forwarded it on to Congress, DESPITE the fact that the President is NOT part of the IC community, he is OVER the IC as chief of the executive branch, therefore NOT subject to “whistle blower” law, despite the fact that the RULES were changed to make HEARSAY in a complaint OK.

All a perfect setup. The Cabal, thinking they were “slick” thought they could kill a couple birds with one stone.  They could remove the Ukraine server threat under cover of Impeachment.  They could neuter Trump, Giuliani, Barr and Durham,  under the same vehicle of the Ukraine call, they were ALL mentioned in the call, right.  They could also drag Trump through a lengthy star chamber controlled “Impeachment” inquiry, and he would not be able to stop it, refute it, or defend himself, because THEY would control the messaging, the proceedings, and the power of subpoena. But, like all best laid plots of thieves and liars,  things oft go astray.  Trump RELEASED the transcript of the call almost immediately, and way before the Cabal had time to build suspense, drama, and an obstruction case in.  It revealed ALL of the talking points by the embeds to be FALSE, ONE day after Pelosi had rushed to cameras to “announce” and “official” Impeachment inquiry had been opened.

Then it was revealed that Schiff and his staff had prior contact with the “whistle blower”, even recommending a lawyer, and perhaps even COACHING him.  That lead Schiff who was ALREADY on the record spouting that he had NOT met the “whistle blower”, to state that there were MORE people that were the SOURCE of the “whistle blower”.   Shiff then brought in EVEN more of the players in this farce, one by one, in his secret “Star chamber” Soviet style inquiry. Each testifying in SECRET in a secure House SCIF. With NO cameras, NO Presidential representation or counsel, and NO bi partisan subpoenas.  Republicans IN the committee minority cannot even now cross examine the “witnesses” without Schiff shutting it DOWN, and “coaching” witnesses as well as SUPPRESSING their testimony.

Just yesterday, on Halloween of all days, 232 House Dems and ZERO Reps, voted to not only extend this farce, but to DOUBLE down on the Star chamber Soviet tactics, ALL controlled by Schiff.  Two dems, did find a conscience (fear of rope) and voted NO with ALL the Republicans.  Now, they are ALL on the record for this abuse of power.  They have ALL signed on to the denial of due process, and the railroading of a President.  They have ALL signed on to and VALIDATED the conspiracy to sedition and a coup. JUST where Trump wants them.  HUH? WHAT!?

That’s right folks, IMHO, this too was another trap that Trump set for these fools, and they took it hook, line, sinker, AND bobber. HOW?  Well, bear with me here, this is complex.

Go back to earlier in this post, recall that Mueller had just failed with his report, and Barr was testifying before the Senate.  He REVEALED that he WAS disturbed by ALL the 2016 spying, called it political.  He said he was going to get to the BOTTOM of the spying, and SEE what the predicate was.  Then he REVEALED the very existence of John Durham, who the dems were SHOCKED to discover was even THERE, let alone that he had been on the job for MONTHS since JEFF SESSIONS appointed John Huber to look into LEAKS.  The LEAKS task force.  The dems KNOW that Durhams specialty is RICO and govt corruption.  They KNOW his reputation as a pissed off Belgian Melanois  who chases DOWN his targets with ZEAL, abandon, and righteous determination.  In other words he is a BAD ASS when he gets a case, and once on the trail, does NOT give up till he gets his man.  A cross between Dudley Dooright and the Terminator. THAT scared the SHIT out of the dems, and they SHOULD have been scared.

Trump ALREADY has the info he needed to get the FIRST Cabal folks, Durham and Barr have been DILIGENTLY jet setting to ALL the Cabal destinations like Italy, UK, Australia, New Zealand, AND Ukraine.  Yep, that’s right, they HAVE the server folks, probably had it even BEFORE that call. That is what THIS set up is about. They already have the Ukraine server, Mifsud’s phones, the Five Eye logs from UK, Australia, and New Zealand, the NSA logs, AND a whole bunch of DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, State Dept, and White House documents.  They also, I will bet my gopher suit on, HAVE been surveilling a TON of the players in the Cabal, to see WHO they lead to.  People like Page, Strzok, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Yovanovich, Comey, Power, Halper, Downer, AND most likely Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Biden, Hillary and Obama.

Trump is going after them ALL folks, the only TRUE way to drain the swamp is to get them ALL, just like roaches. Leave but one, and they will repopulate, you must exterminate them ALL. Why do you think this has taken so long?  Did you REALLY believe that NOTHING, despite ALL the flames and smoke was happening behind the scenes?  Of course not.  Several things had to happen BEFORE Trump could commence his plan, set the traps, trigger the traps, and finally collect the rats.

One he had to get the country secured.  Two he had to STOP all the illegal money funding the corruption to the Cabal, things like drug cartel and Mideast money, drugs and weapon trafficking on the southern border, and human and child trafficking through the same.  MS 13 had to be rousted and removed, ISIS had to be destroyed.  The economy and trade had to be fixed, and the judiciary had to be reformed, including the SCOTUS. Then, Mueller had to be finished.  Where are we NOW.  Muller IS finished.  The SCOTUS is conservative (mostly …Roberts).  The appellate courts are STACKED with conservatives. The Border IS secure, the migrants are stopped in Mexico, the wall is being built, and we have extreme vetting of terrorist countries.  The economy is BOOMING with high consumer confidence, and LOW unemployment, wages are rising, taxes are DOWN, trade deals ARE being renegotiated in OUR favor, manufacturing is returning.  MS 13 is being removed in RECORD time and in RECORD numbers. Drugs are being curtailed on the border, including opioids, heroin and fentanyl.  Child and human trafficking are having their “rings” decimated.

Now, Trump is going after the people that committed the coup and treason.  Barr and Durham are on the trail like a rabid bloodhound.  Trump KNOWS that he has them.  He is NOT worried about Impeachment, judicial activism, or his 2020 opponents. He has China in an economic figure four leg lock, Iran in a economic stranglehold, ISIS in tiny bits scattered throughout Syria, and NK BEGGING us to look at them and come to the table (hence the meaningless missile launches…PLEASE look at me).  NOW is the time to drain the swamp. I believe he has info on them ALL.  I think that server and Mifsud’s phones were the LAST pieces.  That is why Durham “announced” that his “investigation” was NOW criminal.  It has ALWAYS been a criminal investigation folks, since Huber and stealth Durham were appointed by SESSIONS over a year ago.

The FACT that this is announced as criminal, RIGHT before Horowitz FINALLY is about to give his report to the public after nearly TWO years.  Horowitz is the evidence, Durham is the one that will UTILIZE and EXPAND on that evidence.  THAT is what this is about.

Not only that, but this was OBVIOUSLY a Trump trap.  He KNEW he was being listened too, and he USED that fact…he KNEW there were STILL moles in the IC community, including the White House.  HE drew them out, much like he did Baghdadi with the Syrian oil fields.  Only THIS time he used Ukraine and that server.  Trump KNEW that would peek their interest, and cause them to Scramble, like kicking over an ant farm. Trump would “bait” them to come out by enticing them over that server. Mission accomplished.  Cabal PANIC ensured, and like good little minions, they all dutifully complied.   They HAD to come up with something, and they did, Trump HAD people watching.  He HAS people watching.  They REVEALED the last few remnants of the Cabal in Ukraine, State, and the NSC.  Trump thanks them, they just are too stupid to realize this was a TRAP to get them to do EXACTLY what they did, even to use it as Impeachment IS a bonus.

Schiff is calling in ALL his little co-conspirators to “testify” in his star chamber.  They ALL are going on the record, slitting their own throats in the process.   They are too stupid and blinded by rage at Trump to SEE that ALL this farce is doing is REVEALING the plot, the script, AND all the players.  Each person Sciff calls WILL be scrutinized, surveilled, AND recalled in a REAL court room…right Mr, Durham…YEP. Including Schiff himself and his staff.   Call away Mr. Schiff, hide them away, it WON’T matter, FISAS and surveillance go BOTH ways you treasonous punk.  YOU and you ilk ARE being watched, and bet you ASS that there is SOMEONE or SOMEONES that ARE recording ALL you do and say, including in your “star chamber”.  Your position will NOT save you, Pelosi CAN’T save you, neither can the MSM, THEY are in on it and complicit.  ALL this impeachment farce did was REVEAL the skunks still left, got them on the record for LEAKING a CLASSIFIED call, and exposed their conspiracy, abuse of power, and TREASON…right Vidland?

NOw, to boot, ALL 230 Dem members of the House are ON THE RECORD in supporting, enabling, and AIDING in a conspiracy to a COUP by denying a sitting President due process by abusing their Constitutional power in an attempt to remove a duly elected President ABSENT any evidence of a high crime or misdemeanor, AND engaging in a conspiracy to smear, leak, lie, obscure, and set up that same President. In other words the Grand Slam.  ALL 230, they have NO defense.  The ONLY way to save themselves is to BURY the heads of this Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, and the moles in State and NSC.  ANYTHING short of that and VINDICATING Trump, will be considered complicity, even in the MSM.

See how that works?  Trap laid, bait taken, HARM inflicted, votes recorded, trap sprung, trap revealed, conspirators arrested, NO defense by House or MSM, Justice…we win, Swamp drained.

The plan has ALWAYS been getting the fools to vote for an impeachment, it gets them on the record and COMPLICIT to a COUP should they, once the plot is revealed, do ANYTHING but vindication of Trump AND demand justice for the conspirators.  Horowitz is coming, and THEN they are fooked.  Trump just waited for them to actually do it, he always knew they would, now he HAS them, and they can’t get away.

The only thing remaining besides the “big reveal” is to WHEN and IF Trump waits for the Senate dems and conspirators too.  My bet, he KNOWS he has them already for the first coup, and why wait, when he can DESTROY the Dem House, AND make the Senate dems either HELP him do it or RISK complicity of their OWN.  I KNOW the evidence he has is so vast that Schumer is NOT stupid enough to jump off the bridge with Nancy and Adam, he will LET them drown, holding the pole to push them down, he has to save HIS neck after all.  There is NO honor among thieves, and THAT is to Trump’s advantage, he KNOWS when this hits, there will be DOZENS of people turning on each other.

They STILL think he is Elmer Fudd, so did Baghdadi.  This impeachment farce is just as bad for the Dems as going down that dead end tunnel was to Baghdadi, minus the REAL exploding vest, the outcome WILL be the same for them. The best part, seconds before the lever is pulled, they ALL will have to realize, they were done in by Donald Trump a man they thought was an imbecile…that will really get them before THE END.









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