The FBI is toast.

Just had a thought. Recall that BOTH Giuliani and Steve Bannon were investigated by the FBI in the past year. Giuliani had two of his associates from Ukraine ARRESTED. The ones that gave him info on Burisma and the Biden’s. (sources but not all the sources) Then a few weeks later, Bannon was arrested and pulled of the yacht of a Chinese billionaire.

Now putting two and 2 together. Rudy was investigating Biden’s corruption in Ukraine. Bannon was likely investigating Biden’s corruption in China. I wonder if it was a “Chinese” billionaire, or a TAIWANESE billionaire. Two decidedly different things. In any regard. we KNOW the FBI gad possession of Hunter’s laptop during 2019 and the shampeachment. That was sometime between Oct-Dec 2019. Then after the shampeachment failed in Feb, BOTH the guys digging dirt on the Biden’s which NOW looks 100% true, were “investigated, threatened, and either were arrested (Bannon) or had associates (witnesses and sources) arrested.

Now it does NOT take a rocket scientist to put two and two together. The FBI, corrupt to its CORE tried to SILENCE the whistleblowers in Burisma, AND the messengers/investigators in Bannon and Giuliani.

The FBI HAD this info, and instead of acting on the CRIMES, their SWORN duty, they HAD in their possession perpetrated by the Biden’s, let ALONE the National security risks involved, they SAT on those crimes and instead ATTACKED and tried to intimidate and SILENCE the whistleblowers and messengers/investigators.

The FBI, and maybe parts of DOJ need to be DISBANDED, and re constituted..PERIOD…FULL STOP.

Do you realize that NEITHER Joe Biden nor his son, with the info we NOW have, coulld pass a simple background check, let ALONE get a security clearance?

Do you KNOW who is responsible for those kinds of security checks? The FBI.

The FBI TRIED to HIDE this info from the PUBLIC, and SILENCE the messengers.

The FBI AGAIN in the name of politics, had a MAJOR negative impact on a Presidential election. 2016 and NOW.
The FBI favored dem candidates, and HID their crimes, and WORSE, tried to PIN the dem candidates CRIMES on TRUMP.

Hunter and Joe are obviously compromised by the CCP, and likely Russia, Ukraine, and other corrupt officials over OIL AND MONEY. Hunter is a drug addict. Joe is OBVIOUSLY diminished mentally.

The CCP, Russia, Iran, and other enemies of the US would have a FIELD DAY exploiting Joe and Hunter’s “weaknesses” through blackmail, they already did it ONCE when Joe was only VP. As President, Joe would be exponentially more powerful, and the enemies would only ramp up their blackmail.

The FBI has to KNOW this. This is MORE than politics and hatred of Trump, this is the FBI OBVIOUSLY interfering and trying to put in power a SECOND person they KNOW is compromised. That means not only is the FBI political, not only are they corrupt, they are ALSO compromised and complicit. Not only Wray needs to go, they ALL do.

From the agent that took the laptop, to the agent that checked it into evidence, to the agent in charge in Delaware. To the very top.

NOW I know what Q meant in that biblical clip from law abiding citizen. Remember, Jaimie fox’s character was a DOJ attorney, and he and his agents were corrupt, and sold out Gerald Butler’s character. Butler’s character says “I’m going to bring down the whole diseased and corrupt temple on YOUR head, its going to be biblical”

The temple is the FBI’s system of “justice” the FBI as a WHOLE is diseased and corrupted from within. They ALL have to be brought down. Trump is going to do JUST that, with Q AND OTHER’S HELP.

This was NOT about just exposing the Biden’s crimes, it was about exposing the FBI’s complicity, and corruption.

The FBI THOUGHT that laptop was the END, and then they attempted to SILENCE those that had/were/are investigating it. They NEVER thought there was a copy of that hard drive (s) in FRIENDLY hands, they have to KNOW that the enemies have it and WORSE. They NEVER thought this evidence, much like the DOJ/FBI and other docs on 2016, Anthony Weiner’s, Seth Rich’s, Julian Assange’s or Anwan’s, info would EVER see the light of day.

The FBI is NOW a domestic coverup arm of the CCP, DNC, and God knows who else’s crimes. J Edgar Hoover was a PIKER to these guys.

The FBI needs an enema, and FLUSHED.

Tie this all in with what I said yesterday. The Biden’s sold out our country for OIL and ENERGY kickbacks from China, Russia, Ukraine, Khuzestan, and God knows who else. Now Biden admitted in the debate that by 2025 he would transition out of oil and fossil fuels and our new found energy independence again. He would GIVE it back to a now MORE PEACEFUL Mideast. WHO stands to benefit if we kill oil and fossil fuel production and exporting here? Read this too .

I told this to Wolf the other day, it is BIG, and EASY. I am surprised no one has yet made this correlation.

The BIG statement by Biden CAN be connected to the laptop.

Joe Biden ” I am going to eliminate fracking and the oil industry here in the US, NO subsidies” Paraphrased right.

Now, put two and two together. WHY? NOT the green new deal. Think HARDER.

ALL the deals that Hunter got, from Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, and CHINA were from ENERGY companies…read OIL and NATURAL GAS. BIG money…BILLIONS.

WHO stands to PROFFIT if a president Biden shuts down our new found energy independence? JOE BIDEN, through his SON’s deals with FOREIGN state energy companies. Remember for the first time in 75 years, WW2, the US was energy independent and EXPORTING oil and natural gas. WHERE were they exporting those resources TO? Remember, Schiff, John Kerry (through Devin Archer his step son) and Nancy Pelosi through her son Paul, who ALSO has a deal with a Ukrainian oil company, would ALSO stand to profit.

In short, this IMHO, is NOT about the green new deal, which Biden adopted via Bernie to GET the left on board. It is REALLY about the MONEY that Biden and his family and OTHERS stand to make IF Biden wins and KILLS oil and NOITICE he said FOSSSIL FUELS, that includes NATURAL GAS. The green new deal on carbon emissions was the HOOK to get the far left eco freaks on team Biden, he cares LESS, he wants HIS MONEY.

With the dems, it is NEVER about some “cause” it is ALWAYS on how they can PROFIT from the fools that BELIEVE in the cause. The Bernie bros are being HAD, they just don’t see it, they THINK Biden is on THEIR side. Biden is on BIDEN’s side, and his side is about GREEN as in MONEY, not the environment.

Eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary, ETC ) Now WHO was NOT able to export, and hold hostage in the cold winter, those SAME areas… Oh right, Ukraine, Russia, and CHINA. Coal is next, cause we export it too which hurts CHINA.

This would be DEVESTATING, and I am surprised no one seems to be making that correlation, YET. I guess I need to send this to Trump’s campaign.

The FBI is aiding and abetting a COVERUP of China and others attempts to compromise a Presidential candidate, via his son and money, to eliminate our energy independence, MILLIONS of jobs, and the economic security of the US, not to mention the National security.

The SAME China that unleashed a global pandemic that killed 225000 Americans.

If that is not TREASON, I do not know what treason is.

4 thoughts on “The FBI is toast.

  1. It is DOJ and FIB not just the FIB….

    I hope like heck that Brian Cates is correct and it is just an investigation taking a while and the MOABs being saved till the election when the Fake News HAS TO COVER the info.

    BUT “Hope Is Not A Strategy” – E.M.Smith

    Do not forget
    Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service

    Which allows most of the Deep Swamp bureau-Rats to be FLUSHED.

    I explained the laws involved HERE:

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “This town needs an ENEMA!” Jack Nicholson as the Joker in 1989’s Batman. I will paraphrase another of my favorite quotes from that movie. The original quote “Can somebody tell me what kind of a world we live in, when a man dressed up as a bat steals all my press. ”

      My mashed version. “Can somebody tell me what kind of a world we live in where the press hides all the rats.”

      Yes one of my favorite movies…Where does he get those wonderful toys, and I’ve got a flying mouse to kill bob, and I wanna clean my claws. It’s me, sugar bumps, and my all time fav…Jack Palance’s boss Grissom says ” Your life won’t be worth spit” the Joker replies ” I’ve been dead once today already, I find it very liberating.”

      Hey Morty it’s your uncle Bingo, time to pay the CHECK!” Nicholson SHOULD have gotten an Oscar for that role, just like Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix did..


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