My response to the SD “reveal”. Where’s the BEEF?

Yes, Barr stated in his House hearing AFTER ending Mueller that he was appointing Durham to look INTO the political spying, but that Durham had ALREADY been working under Huber for OVER a year, appointed by SESSIONS in SECRET, NO ONE, especially the Cabal, KNEW that Durham was even THERE, let alone working on it. Tis was May of 2019. Strike ONE SD.

Now what ALSO needs to come into consideration, Durham STARTED as an INVESTIGATION, that IMHO means FACT finding, building on what he, Huber, and Horowitz had and discovered.

Durham was NOT moved to a criminal probe, with FULL Grand Jury and Subpoena power until late OCTOBER last year.

Now HOW MUCH INFO has been put out SINCE then? TONS thanks to Grinnell, Radcliffe, Judicial Watch, DOJ, and others. EACH time “new” info or a reveal comes out, it has to be vetted, and INCORPORATED into what EVER Durham HAS, and IMHO he has A LOT. It ALL has to tie in. It takes TIME. Strike TWO SD.

Then one MUST figure in the effect of the shamdemic AND the shampeachment. BOTH were DELAY tactics, and had to be ENDED or CONTROLLED in the case of Covid BEFORE the indictments et al could start. Indictments DURING the shampeachment WOULD have been labeled a political HIT to try and distract from Trump’s “crimes”, so THAT stalled the GJ and the indictments. Now, THINK, what happened almost immediately AFTER the shampeachment ended? The shamdemic. IT allowed both a distraction to Trump, AND a further stall to Durham, because not ONLY were the courts shut down because of Covid, so NO Grand Juries. but ALSO even the JUDGES were delayed because of it. Who was going to get indictments, they were only doing LIMITED work, on PURPOSE.

Then we had the LULL in Covid in June, things began to BREAK again, and viola, the RIOTS. ANOTHER distraction and ALL OUT attack on the police, and justice. BTW, WHERE were ALL the protests HAPPENING, do NOT think cities, THINK BUILDINGS. Oh, RIGHT, FEDERAL courthouses. Gee, WHERE will the GJ’s need to convene? the Judges? even the prosecutors, WHERE are their offices? Oh, right, FEDERAL courthouses. Part of the Cabal counter measures.
See, ASSUMING because things got PUSHED BACK due to this shit, that NOTHING happened is STUPID. What did we THINK that when it was TIME for justice the Cabal was simply going to go QUIETLY and gentle into that good night? OR, were they going to RAGE, RAGE against the dawning of the light? AH, you see, they employed COUNTERMEASURES in Shamperachment, Covid, and riots.

BUT, things were STIL happening behind the scenes weren’t they. Do you THINK Clinesmith ONLY happened now because of SD, that is a fallacy and a STRAWMAN used to prop up HIS narrative. We do NOT know if this was ALWAYS planned for first, including the approximate date.

I re read the Q post. He explicitly says SET ONE. NON CIV, and names Clinesmith as one of 6 in SET ONE. Then he lists at the bottom CI, I take to mean Civilian. Which means at LEAST two sets, I bet there are FAR more. My theory I posted HOLDS, this is ALL compartmentalized, and Durham is but ONE of a SET of US attorney’s looking into this.

Now I KNOW I am not supposed to attack the messenger, so I WAITED for the Tuesday reveal.

I READ his article, and it is WANTING. WHERES the point?

There is NONE.

Strike THREE.

See, SD released Aldenberg? SO. I am QUITE sure the Cabal KNOW who is an investigator, how do WE KNOW he is the LEAD?, The ONLY lead? SD tells us. WHAT PROOF? his WORD and lack of anything being done by Durham on Carter Page. Really, REALLLY, REALLY!! Do we KNOW that there are or are NOT more investigations ongoing? YES, Bash is ONE, Huber MAY or may NOT be TWO, but Durham is one, we KNOW, because BARR told us. What Barr may or may NOT be telling us is there are MORE. SD intimates, rather strongly, that Barr is operating PRE 2019, even PRE 2018, and that Barr is following Mueller’s premises, when in fact Barr REFUTED Mueller’s premises, and ENDED his sham. SD intimates Barr is NOT in charge. I LOL at that. Yeah, that is why the Cabal have BOTH barrels on him all the time, from Congressional hearings to MSM stories. HUGE side eye here.
It is JUST as I feared, and WARNED you all about. It is focus centric on Carter Page and the FISA abuse on HIM. RIGHT where the Cabal would WANT it to be, even if it burned Warner and the SSCI, it ENDS there.
Sigh, Carter Page, for the LAST TIME was a PLANT. PROVE MY assertation WRONG, you CAN’T, not with what we KNOW.

Page was indisputably a MEANS to an END, to get a LEGIT or LEGIT LOKING FISA to spy. WHO was the TARGET. Was it PAGE? NO. HELL NO. Yes I am not emphasizing, I AM yelling. This ENTIRE episode and exercise by SD was STUPID, and just as I feared MYOPIC.

We ALL KNOW, and HAVE known that Page was railroaded in a FISA. but WHAT harm EVER befell Page? Was he indicted? NO, Was he ARRESTED? NO, was info gathered via the FISA used on HIM? NO. HELL NO. He was 4th amendment violated, but SO were MANY others, and ALL to get TO Trump, THAT is the point, not how, we KNOW how they did it, we need to know WHO did it, and to WHO else, and to WHAT PURPOSE.

C’mon guys, you ALL here are MUCH smarter than this. Stop looking for Rabbit tracks when the rabbit is in the cage.

Page is a PART of the WHOLE, NOT the focus. Page was inserted, yes INSERTED specifically to GIVE the Cabal an asset with BOTH infiltration skills AND legit Russian contacts, he was a KNOWN quantity. NONE of the other setups had these, none EVER did. They HID Page’s providence, his REAL job (and so did HE for YEARS btw), and his SPECALTY on PUPROSE. That they altered a document to FURHTER that end is NOT surprising, they HAD a deadline, and it was already OCTOBER 2016. They had NO time. November, and the election, was on them. It is NOT as hard to understand as SD makes it. When he FAILED to get any usable info through infiltration, they BURNED him, and used his Russian contacts AS a predicate, propped up by..ta da the DOSSIER to get a FISA that they hopped to EVERYONE Page met, talked to, got a email from, and EVERYONE they talked to. The six degrees of separation till they GOT to Trump and his inner circle. Their ULTIMATE goal of Page.

SD is focused on ONE SMALL aspect of the Russia hoax. Carter freaking Page, and the SSCI cover up. WE KNOW they LIED, it is PROVEN with WAY more than circumstantial evidence. Hello the ORIGINAL redacted FISA app was a CLUE, as it had a WRONG date purposefully left UN redacted. The Cabal have been using Congressional committees, MSM stories, agency DIS info, and Senate hearings, and even a Special Counsel and an IMPEACHEMENT to cover their tracks with LIES for OVER four years. Is THAT unknown? Is the FACT that there are STILL bad actor imbeds out there unknown? NO. Simply outing a BAD actor in Aldenberg WOULD have been GOOD.

SD trying to DIMINISH Barr and or Durham is STUPID. It pushes NOTHING forward on justice, and if ANYTHING impedes it. I BET that Page did NOT even fall under Durham’s purview set, I bet it was SOMEONE else’s. I BET that Durham is focused RIGHT where he SHOULD be, and on the SPYING that occurred BEFORE Page, you know, WITHOUT a legit investigation OR a FISA even OPENED, which is ILLEGAL. The stuff that happened to Manafort, Cohen Trump, Papadopolous, Flynn, and Don Jr. WHAT would be MORE important, the speeding ticket the robber got on the way away from the robbery, or the robbery that happened BEFORE the ticket. GEEZ. They ALREADY have the Page stuff, they want BIGGER fish.

T I M E L I N E people. Page was LAST, NOT FIRST.

SD and this STUNT was 100% COUNTER productive, and ONLY may SLOW justice ( I am sorry but if that was not the intent, it could not have been scripted better to be).

Again, YES there are PROBLEMS with delay, UNDISPUTED, but are the delays Cabal mole delays as SD intimates, or was it the EXTERNAL stuff that I mentioned above? HOW does ANYTHING SD did “push” the investigation to JUSTICE? It does NOTHING but smear Barr, SD, and Durham. To WHAT end?

This entire thing, and THIS has ALWAYS been the FATAL flaw in ALL of SD’s machinations is one HUGE conspiracy. He STILL thinks it is ENTIRELY in the DOJ bubble. The Cabal would LOVE for that to be pursued, then they would simply sacrifice a Comey and McCabe and MOVE ON, LAUGHING at us.

IF they wanted Comey and McCabe ALONE or even Bruce Ohr or James Baker or Lisa Page or Peter Strzok, or even Bill Preistep, they would have ALREADY gotten them via PERJURY.

See, here is the FOCUS, and I cannot 100% prove it, but NEITHER can anyone DIS PROVE it. This is going to be a HUGE RICO. The main charge is going to be Conspiracy AGAINST the US, Espionage, Sedition, and TREASON.

FISA and 4th amendment abuses are PART of that, Perjury is ANOTHER, but NOT the MAIN charge. RICO and Conspiracy are the ONES, and they tie it ALL in, even the foreign involvements.

SD is laser focused on DOJ crimes like FISA abuse, because THATR is either what he SEES, or what he thinks he can prove. That view IGNORES all the OTHER abuses and departments. State, CIA, Congress, WH, Five Eyes, MSM, NSA, FISC and OTHER courts and Judges, foreign intelligence agencies, foreign SPIES. WAY more than FBI/DOJ.

WHY would Barr LIMIT himself to THAT, when the field is PACKED with other crimes ands abuses JUST as or MORE serious. SD IGNORES all of that in favor of CARTER Page.

Will Carter Page lead us to the Cabal? NO , he is a DEAD END in the DOJ/FBI/FISC court. Now, WHERE would the Cabal LIKE for it to END?

I AM SORRY, but, barring something real and substantial beyond what he is saying in his focus, I MUST conclude that SD is either A, shortsighted (my hope) or B compromised and USED as a false tangent to impugn Barr and Durham, JUST in time to downplay their findings.

YES his info on Page is correct, hell he may have found a swamp embed, FINE, but the DAMAGE to the entirety way out weighs the benefit, that makes it WRONG.

This is something that COULD have been MUCH differently, and would NOT have impugned Barr and or Durham but WOULD haver outed a bad actor. I MUST ask, WHO is the bad actor NOW?

It looks BAD for SD in my view, my BIAS aside. I WAITED for his reasoning, and his reveal, while I did relay my suspicions, I DID try to give him the benefit. I weighed, I measured, and he was found WANTING.

Fire away.

21 thoughts on “My response to the SD “reveal”. Where’s the BEEF?

  1. Yes, I think there are multiple investigations going on. We had discussed the compartmentalisation on another thread and I think each investigater is looking into different aspects of the whole picture. Huber, Bash, etc…I think they are reporting to Durham, who then puts it all together and then presents the big picture to Barr. Just my 2 cents…well dollar now since we have the “coin shortage”…

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Yes, and SD is ONLY focusing on ONE compartment, not seeing or attempting to tie it ALL together as I and other have. It is why I call it myopic. By ONLY focusing on Page, and that abuse, it would allow the OTHERS to throw a sacrificial lamb or two out on THAT compartment and call it a day, EXACTLY what should NOT be done, and I believe IS NOT being doe.. I do not CARE if he focused his attention there ,and outed a bad guy, but WHEN his histrionics threaten to upend the entire apple cart, cutting ones nose off to spite one’s face, I call shenanigan’s.

      I posted it here to avoid upsetting Wolfe. He is VESTED in whatever SD told him. I for the life of me cannot see ANYTHING SD did “helping”. I personally will tell you what I think SD did, if you promise not to share to avoid upsetting others.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. “IF they wanted Comey and McCabe ALONE or even Bruce Ohr or James Baker or Lisa Page or Peter Strzok, or even Bill Preistep, they would have ALREADY gotten them via PERJURY.

    See, here is the FOCUS, and I cannot 100% prove it, but NEITHER can anyone DIS PROVE it. This is going to be a HUGE RICO. The main charge is going to be Conspiracy AGAINST the US, Espionage, Sedition, and TREASON.”


    “WHY would Barr LIMIT himself to THAT, when the field is PACKED with other crimes ands abuses JUST as or MORE serious.”

    Agree with this and much more of what you said above – but I’m working from just an inner sense of things – having no knowledge and facts.

    If something else happens that proves SD’s actions were warranted, great – but it doesn’t look good or make sense right now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Agreed, see my point in the other thread. Everything we have seen, heard and watched has had a focus (on team Q and team Trump). Ther IS a plan, and it IS being executed. People like SD and others always DENIED that, taking prior experiences of false LARPS. They ASSUMED, and did NOT give Q his or their due credence. That was to their detriment, NOW they MUST deny, refute, or DEMEAN Q, as they CANNOT admit or join in, and that is SAD.

      Did you SEE the question asked yesterday of Trump about Q? THERE was the ANSWER loud and CLEAR, he denied “knowing much about it, but i HEAR the people like me” BOOM, a non denial denial. IF Trump wanted to SQUASH a LARP, THERE was the best chance he EVER had. ALL he had to do was say, that is all nonsense, and poof no more Q. But he DIDN’T did he?

      No the STUPID reporter, already put in Trumps TRAP ( he was READY for that question. The reporter asked if “he was trying, was, as Q intimates, to save the country from Satanists and pedophiles.”

      Trumps answer was prescient, and POWERFUL. ” i don’t know too much about that (another non denial denial) BUT, would THAT be such a bad thing”

      NUCLEAR explosion. Trump JUST by NOT specifically DENYING CONFIRMED. There it was people, proof 100% Q and this whole sting is REAL.

      Trump could have ENDED once and for all Q and all that info as conspiracy, her did NOT, he went and AFFIRMED that it was GOOD if that was happening, READ it IS happening. BOOM>

      NOW you know WHY the desperate VITRIOL last night, they KNOW folks, they KNOW Trump is COMING for them, and they are SCARED. They SHOULD be, they WILL be.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Also notice what the urinalist picked out. Ped… and Canni…

        There are ONLY 2 Q drops addressing that.

        1001 E’s Island

        3917 Canni… & Spirit Cooking

        And THAT last drop has interesting links:


        (remove random splats)


        THIS is what they are trying to get ahead of IMHO. As Q said, if THAT is revealed, they won’t be able to walk the streets.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. OMG, NOW we know why the Q question. AND now the arrested Bannon in some “wall fund embezzling” A DISTRACTION. Shit is ABOUT to get REAL, there are NO coincidences, first Millie Weaver, then the SD distract from that and stepping on the Clinesmith arrest. NOW the Q question, and what you found, then Bannon arrested on trumped up charge, pun intended.

        The STORM is here. Look at ALL the PANIC at dem convention.


  3. “IF they wanted Comey and McCabe ALONE or even Bruce Ohr or James Baker or Lisa Page or Peter Strzok, or even Bill Preistep, they would have ALREADY gotten them via PERJURY.

    See, here is the FOCUS, and I cannot 100% prove it, but NEITHER can anyone DIS PROVE it. This is going to be a HUGE RICO. The main charge is going to be Conspiracy AGAINST the US, Espionage, Sedition, and TREASON.”


    “WHY would Barr LIMIT himself to THAT, when the field is PACKED with other crimes ands abuses JUST as or MORE serious.”

    Agree with this and much more of what you said above – but I’m working from just an inner sense of things – having no knowledge and facts.

    If something else happens that proves SD’s actions were warranted, great – but it doesn’t look good or make much sense right now.


    1. I have told you, Obama IS and ALWAYS was the mark. He KNOWS it, look at his rambling RANT of a speech, DENYING reality. He is SCARED, and he SHOULD be. PAIN time Barack. I saw the TRUTH a few years ago while researching my book. I have always had this innate ability to SE through to the point. I saw the scam, I saw the players, and I saw the head.

      I have been trying desperately to articulate what I saw since, to anyone that will listen. THAT is why SD and his stunt PISSES me off. It undermines all the LEGIT work I and a LOT of others have done in exposing this shit.
      In truth GA, I believe this is NOT the SD we knew.. Yes same writing STYLE, BUT much like Drudge, the focus CHANGED. I think this is an imposter replacement SD. Same modis operandi, same attitude, DIFFERENT focus, LESS Trump , MORE Cabal cover. JMHO.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. OR they got to him. Parents, wife, children???

        Although SD was KNOWN for not allowing anyone to oppose him. I was warned of that back in early 2016 by a guy on ChiefIO or Tony Heller’s site so I was always very careful what I said and how.

        Drudge, BTW warned us. He said they were going after him and a Judge told him they were going to shut him down. So Drudge sold the site and bailed. With Brietbart, and others they arranged ‘accidents’ The guy telling the truth about Stalin who refuted Walter Duranty was killed for example and now Millie is targeted as was Dr Judy.

        When we were fighting NAIS reporters TOLD US on the QT that they were not allowed to report the Farmers point of view. A story on the USDA covering for infected meat from Con Agra going to a local butcher shop was pulled by a big NY magazine just as it was going to print for example. They even muzzled the head of the USDA Inspectors Union!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Possible, but I think it is the $$ part. Compromise someone’s revenue, and they “comply” It is why I do this for FREE. I really think SOME of the cabal power is waning, exposure is POWER. The great trick they haver always pulled is to convince normies they didn’t exist., much like Satan. Then they have always had MSM cover, but NO longer.


      3. I hear you on “different SD,” but I don’t think so. It could be as simple as that someone who has denied Q all this time had to prove he could get at the truth where Q and Trump appointees couldn’t, and he is going full steam ahead, thinking/pretending his work is helping and not hurting. To him, it has to be helping. He has to be the one with the insight to save the day. I do not know what’s in his head and heart; this is only the impression I get, and I don’t think it helps our movement at all.

        I have been puzzled from Day One at the fawning, obsequious way people practically prostrate themselves before him. He’s good on some things, but not that good. IMO, he does not deserve unquestioning fealty. He’s been wrong too many times, and the way he handles dissent is not deserving of fidelity, IMO.

        I don’t think anyone could imitate the writing style for an entire article or even a tweet. I can do it in one sentence, but not construct the hard-to-decipher paragraphs. Here is the style, complete with misplaced semicolon:
        When you look at the timeline of the special counsel office action circa 2017-2018; the geopolitical influence on the construct becomes clear.

        People tend to think the person they admired so much and put so much faith in couldn’t be that guy, so they look for other ways for it to be happening. But he is that guy, and has been from the beginning. For me, it’s a little painful to watch, and I feel a twinge of pity at his seeming lack of self-awareness.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I agree, I have felt for some time that SD is a relentless self promoter. I think it is all about attention and the $$ that follow it, IE followers. SD never accepts a contrary opinion, no matter how reasoned. To ME people like us to HIM are competition, not followers. IMHO that is the wrong thing to do at this time.

        I think his info, while filled with partial truth, was a self aggrandizing piece of sot. It was WAY too close the the Cabal preferred narrative and timeline for me, hence I think the compromise. SOMEONE or someone’s $$$ bought that piece of sot, and had SD attack Barr and Durham while doing it. That too is exactly what the Cabal wants.

        SD NEVER believed in Q, but WORSE, he never believed Trump had a plan to take down the Cabal. His article shows that, and he as I argued with him before about, that the task is too big and the swamp to deep for Trump to handle. That narrative IGNORES all that has already happened, absent the indictments that we need to see. But see, NOW we have an indictment, the first of MANY, that mere fact undermines SDs premise, that NOTHING is or WILL happen.

        See, it ALLOWS SD to take credit for it, when in REALITY he had absolutely NOTHING to do with it.

        When he first posted his sot, I immediately saw it for what it was, too much experience dealing with him to not see it. I immediately posted that I thought it was BS, and that the ONLY info I think SD somehow got that was new, was the DATE that the announcement on Clinesmith would be made, I STILL believe that. I think he tailored his announcements and article to best promote himself. I predicted a STALL, and a DELAY, and I got it on Fri AND Sat. Then on top of that, I predicted his info would be WANTING, and well, there it was on Tuesday.

        There was LITTLE new that we in the informed community did NOT already know, besides the intimation that Aldenberg was the lead Durham investigator, and he is swamp. Then there was the not so veiled ATTACK on both Durham AND Barr. Counter productive,

        His article, IMHO, wrongly focuses on Page and the FISA abuse, but does NOT see that that was a SMALL part of the entire SCAM. He does NOT see, or admit, that Page and the things done to him were but a MEANS to an END, and that was to SPY on Trump. See, THAT makes Carter Page the focus and paints HIM as the mark, when we ALL know that it was TRUMP all along.

        SD is either compromised, self centric, inflexible, short sighted, in it ONMLY for money and fame, or a combination of ALL the above. He SURE did not come off as this “enlightened guru” that he and some paint himself as.


  4. I certainly agree that SD in denying Q is missing a lot.

    It is NOT a ‘small group’

    THAT IS THE BIG LIE! and SD has pushed it from the beginning.

    It is a YUGE multi-generational, multi-national Criminal Organization that spans centuries, nations, corporations, crimes and perversions.

    This is why I think the Trump – Sessions ‘fight’ is bogus.
    Sessions went after REVENUE STREAMS!!! Drugs, human Trafficking and the enforcement arm, MS13. He also went after the legal mess OH!Bummer left at the border.

    Rudy went after a DIFFERENT set of revenue streams. USAid, bank fraud/money laundering…

    (I read your book when you let QTH have an advance peak. Thanks $$$ are short this year.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Spot on on ALL counts. I think as I have said Trump compartmentalizes his people, they have SPECIFIC tasks, and when complete are “retired” or re assigned. Sessions ALSO appointed BOTHJ Huber AND Durham. Rudy is for the RICO, and he focused on Ukraine and that line including CrowdStrike. Session went after the CARTELS and the $$ funding human, drug, and child trafficking, fomented by MS-13.

      I hope you got to finish it, and I hope you found my book informative. Some thought I did it for $$. Let me let you in on a secret. I made like $1.50 a copy, IE nothing. I have NEVER been in it for the $$$, ala SD.


      1. I am a very fast reader so I had no problem finishing it and it dovetails with what I thought.

        I think Jeff Sessions will be back either as a witness or in some appointed post or both. Sessions may have been recused, but I am not so sure he was ‘unaware’ of what that group was up to.

        Also there is Ezra Cohen-Watnick who served under Flynn, McMasters, was fired and then served under AG Sessions.

        Now he is headed back “to the Pentagon to serve as deputy assistant secretary of defense for counternarcotics and global threats.”


        Washington Compost: “Washington D.C., for instance, says a recording with one-party consent is okay but will become unlawful if the recording is then used to commit a crime…”

        Also there is the one year ‘FISA’ requiring ONLY the President and the AG. I think that is one of the main reasons POTUS is tossing Chaff when it comes to AG Sessions. We now know the Chinese and other countries had a vested interest in unseating POTUS so we have zero idea of whose sticky fingers are in this mess.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for posting your perspective on this blog. I am astounded that that entire drama blew over with a whimper and no accountability. There is a new post up now that continues to denigrate AG Barr, and all the commenters are chiming in. So we have an entire blog site of Trump supporters being led down the path of doubt just before the most important election of our times, by (it appears to me) someone who doesn’t have the whole picture, who refuses to admit it, and who writes as if all his suppositions were fact.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. EXACTLY. AS Judas Goat, leading the sheep to SLAUGHTER. The ENTIRE premise is FLAWED. Barr is doing nothing, Durham is doing nothing and is a feint, Aldenberg is swamp and misleading, the DOJ is still under Cabal control and proceeding under Mueller, Rosenstein, and Weismann “rules”, nothing WILL happen unless “Superman SD” comes to the rescue, and now Barr is trying to cover it up and bribe “Superman” to go away.



      ONE, Barr ENDED Mueller. Strike ONE
      TWO, Barr appointed Durham, who was there under Huber in SECRET to specifically look into this entire scam, AND REVEALED Durham’s very existence AND the fact that he had been working on it for OVER a year.
      Three, after Durham discovered some things, Barr in OCTOBER 2019, changed Durham’s premise from mere investigative to CRIMINAL, allowing Grand Juries AND Subpoenas. Strike TWO.
      Three, look at all the firings, testimonies, releases of classified UNREDACTED info, on the RECORD testimonies, and NOW an actual indictment that WILL lead up the chain. ANYONE that believes Clinesmith risked EXACTLY what he got on his OWN volition, and NOT on orders from above is BLIND. What Clinesmith DID, which was to alter a document, PROTECTING Comey, and others above, by OMITTING Carter Page’s PRIOR activities AND the fact that he not only worked FOR the CIA AGAINST Russia, but that DOJ (Comey) KNEW it. Yeah Clinesmith did THAT for himself, on a “whim” BS. Shrike THREE SD is OUT.

      Then we have

      FOUR the attacks on Barr and Durham
      FIVE the intimation of a BRIBE, gee THAT would not undermine Durham or Barr’s ability to get TRUE justice at ALL would it.
      SIX the delays
      SEVEN all the SNARK of a JILTED teenage girl when people questioned SD s methods, info, and MOTIVES.
      EIGHT the NARROW focus on ONE small part or the attempted coup on Trump, WITHOUT considering that there was and IS WAY MORE involved.
      NINE The continuation of the FALSE premise, despite more holes than swiss cheese, without a HINT of humility, a mea culpa, an alteration if not FULL retraction, or even admittance that there is MORE he might have missed.

      See, SD not only struck out, he struck out his entire INNING. I could NOT write a better script to HURT Barr and DELAY or STOP MAGA if I TRIED, therefore, it WAS contravened, and it makes SD COMPROMISED or a greedy stupid, putz, who ONLY cared for himself, and his $$$, and NOT the country.

      NO amount of lipstick can be put on that pig now to not make it a PIG. At least in MY opinion. YES I am and WAS biased on SD, because I saw him for what he was long ago, BUT I gave him the rope to hang himself, and played devils advocate, trying to redirect the false premise WITHOUT attack, I will NO LONGER do that, I WILL call a spade a spade and not a diamond.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Venting. It’s not about being a SD critic; it’s that I hate being misled or conned or “sold” on something.

        SD tweeted, “There is no Durham investigation.” Yet, in his article today about Brennan, he refers to the Durham investigation and the Durham/Aldenberg investigation. He faces no accountability because he allows no dissent on his blog, because he has an “aura” of untouchability among many conservatives, and because some people hang on his every word.

        Where are the packets of materials that prove SD’s theories? Where is the army of foot soldiers that were going to have the materials and disseminate the information? Who is the person close to Pres. Trump who has been working against him, whose name it was useless to try to guess? Where is the mountain of evidence that was going to be revealed to show that investigations are a sham? All I see is innuendo about AG Barr, buried in an ocean of details that do not necessarily add up to what SD intimates they do.

        I had stopped reading OT for many reasons. I have looked lately to see if SD was going to come through and show that he is on to something big. But it’s just more of the same, and he doesn’t even address things he has said before or promises he has made. And worse, he is casting doubt on AG Barr and the investigations, that serves no purpose that I can see. It demoralizes the troops right before the election.

        Supposition presented as truth can be dangerous and destructive. I’d like to know how/if he thinks he is helping to win the election or advance the cause of MAGA. Timing is crucial. If the purpose of his work is something other than to help win this election, then what is his goal?


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