Your mask is NOT protecting you, in fact it is most likely MAKING you sick!

Guys, this is IMPORTANT. I just had a reply to Gail in the news thread. I t brought to mind my training and some REAL world experiences.

First some background that most already know, but some new may not.

In my previous job, I worked for a MAJOR research facility, one that has multiple BSL 3 labs, clean rooms, research buildings, and MAJOR NIH, FDA, and govt funding. I am exceptionally qualified to comment on what I am bout to say.

First lets just say as I have posted before, filtration and exposure is my specialty.

Now to the point. We ALL missed it, me included. I always knew and have posted that masks are USELESS against a microscopic virus, like passing a mosquito through a chain-link fence. REAL virus filtration requires BETTER than HEPPA filtrations (99..97% of particulates). ALL the virus research labs use SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatuses. Think the space suit that you see on movies like Out break and Virus. That is the ONLY way to stop a virus from getting into your system, and even THAT is not fool proof and requires sterilization

That being said, I always thought, as others here have said, that the masks were both an inconvenience AND a psychological attack, bad guys wear masks, and masks promote the unknown and FEAR.

But I was WRONG. It is even MORE insidious than that. It is SICK. and it WOULD require a medical knowledge to come up with this. It EXPLAINS the Fauci INSISTANCE on masks NOW, when at FIRST he was against them.

Now, this is going to sound crazy, BUT, after ALL we have learned on Covid and the Cabal, is it REALLY?

Masks are being MANDATED, even OUTDOORS, even ALONE. The stated reason is NOT to protect you (oh boy is THAT right) but to protect OTHERS.


Look up hypercapnia

hypercapnia is essentially CO2 (Carbon DIOXIDE) poisoning, it over whelms the O2 (Oxygen)in your blood, and replaces it. It is akin to its more commonly know CO (carbon Monoxide) poisoning that we ALL know about.

Mild symptoms of hypercapnia include:
flushed skin.
drowsiness or inability to focus.
mild headaches.
feeling disoriented or dizzy.
feeling short of breath.
being abnormally tired or exhausted.

Severe symptoms includes buildup of carbon dioxide can also damage the tissues and organs and further impair oxygenation of blood and, as a result, slow oxygen delivery to the tissues. Acute respiratory failure happens quickly and without much warning. IE DEATH.

In my former industry, and in large newer venues and retrofitted older ones, there are CO2 monitors in the air streams monitoring the levels of CO2, just like they monitor CO. Alarms can and DO go off, requiring EVACUATION. Fresh air is the FIRST thing recommended, and building HVACS are equipped to “dump” in large amounts of fresh air and evacuate the “stale” air. so many complete “air changes” per hr or a cubic foot of air (think a box of air 1 foot tall, 1 foot deep, and 1 foot wide) each building “envelope” is required, depending upon usage,, equipment, and capacity to do so many complete air changes per hour.

Now, this hypercapnia was COMMONLY mistaken for mold poisoning and “sick” building syndrome. It ACTUALLY was LACK of O2 due to HIGH levels of CO2.
Now, knowing ALL that. What do you THINK a mask does, especially with EXCESS usage, hot or stressful situations which require MORE and RAPID breathing? (think ANY strenuous activity, like WORKING, EXERCISING, or even WALKING)

The mask INHIBITS the free flow of OXYGEN, it restricts it. But WORSE, it ALSO inhibits and restricts the EXHALATION of CO2. That means we get LESS Oxygen IN to our lungs and MORE CO2 OUT of our lungs, and even recycled INTO our lungs. That can and I am sure DOES lead to Hypercapnia. INTENTIONALLY.

What? Intentionally? YES!. Look at the symptoms of MILD to severe hypercapnia

lushed skin.
drowsiness or inability to focus.
mild headaches.
feeling disoriented or dizzy.
feeling short of breath.
being abnormally tired or exhausted.

Sound FAMILIAR? It SHOULD. What are the symptoms of Coviud 19?

body aches
shortness of breath

HMMM, sounds OFTLY like mild hypercapnia doesn’t it?

Because it is MEANT to make people THINK they have Covid 19. Even the FLUSHED skin could be a symptom of a FEVER couldn’t it. Now WHY would they WANT people to THINK they had Covid, when in reality they had something else?

Because, THEN they go and get a Covid test. I submit that MOST if not ALL of the Covid testing is a FRAUD, giving a FAR greater % of positive tests than are ACTUALLY occurring, i8 bet something close to or OVER 50%.

Look at Mike Dewine of Ohio. He tested with a NEW covid test, and it gave a FALSE positive, then in FOUR subsequent tests, the more intrusive and longer to get back ones, he tested NEGATIVE. That is NOT an anomaly OR an accident, it is a coordinated PLAN. As I submit above are the masks.

Masks used to REALLY make you sick, to the point you THINK you have Covid. See, Hypocapnia, just like CO poisoning is CUMULATIVE. That means once it reaches a certain level in the blood, you are in SERIOUS trouble, and not even fresh air will help, it requires PURE O2.

Now the even MORE insidious part, once you go home for the 2 week quarantine, without your mask poisoning you, you FEEL BETTER, because you breathe NORMALLY.

Think Ol Prex is full of it? Ever hear of a SCUBA rebreather? What do you THINK it is for?

A rebreather is a breathing apparatus that absorbs the carbon dioxide of a user’s exhaled breath to permit the rebreathing (recycling) of the substantially unused oxygen content, and unused inert content when present, of each breath. Oxygen is added to replenish the amount metabolized by the user.

See, divers KNOW what happens if you rebreathe CO2, and have known for OVER 100 years, yet here we are wearing masks, and poisoning ourselves.

Hypercapnia is BAD stuff, here is more on it

Hypercapnia changes the pH balance of your blood, making it too acidic. This can happen slowly or suddenly. If it happens slowly, your body may be able to keep up by making your kidneys work harder. Your kidneys release and reabsorb bicarbonate, a form of carbon dioxide, which helps keep your body’s pH level balanced

In addition, the body uses other specific mechanisms to compensate for the excess carbon dioxide. Breathing rate and breathing volume increase, the blood pressure increases, the heart rate increases, and kidney bicarbonate production ( in order to buffer the effects of blood acidosis), occur.

Gee, seems like Hypercapnia causes high blood pressure and heart strress too doesn’t it, and the MORE you work your lungs, the MORE you produce CO2 and NEED O2, which you are NOT getting in adequate levels.

SEE the insidiousness of it, it could and probably HAS killed people, LOTS of people, and then their deaths from CO2 poisoning is blamed on, you guessed it, CoIn addition, the body uses other specific mechanisms to compensate for the excess carbon dioxide. Breathing rate and breathing volume increase, the blood pressure increases, the heart rate increases, and kidney bicarbonate production ( in order to buffer the effects of blood acidosis), 19.

IMHO THIS is how we ALL should righteously and in unison ATTACK the mask narrative. Once people SEE that the masks they are being asked to use CONSTANTLY to “protect themselves” may ACTUALLY be KILLING them, SLOWLY. INSIDIOUS.

I have recent REAL world experience. I recently went to a theme park, we were required to wear masks everywhere (except the water parks go figure) I noticed that for the first time EVER I was feeling the effects of motion sickness, something I NEVER had before. My family members ALL experienced the same thing.

I decided to remove the mask immediately AFTER the last “Karen” in the ride cue, and do you KNOW what happened? I never again had a headache or motion sickness, no matter how much I rode, or what. A REAL WORLD experiment that PROVES my mask theory. Fresh air was the cure, the CAUSE was rebreathed CO2 and increased breathing due to the “thrill” rides.

This TOLD me that the masks were MORE than psychological, they were physiological. Angry yet? I AM.

This is ALL a plan to MAKE people sick, to mimic Covid, and to increase BOTH case numbers AND even deaths.

Do your own research, see If I am wrong, I’m not folks, this is TOO coordinated. Time to ATTACK vigorously and get some REAL research done on the effects of masks.

5 thoughts on “Your mask is NOT protecting you, in fact it is most likely MAKING you sick!

  1. You missed Covid tests USED to give people the virus.

    I did not save it but one woman said her nursing home company who owned three separate complexes had NO sickness but was REQUIRED to get tested. When she objected the government worker said “You do not have Covid NOW but you WILL” She took it as a threat but the testing was done with the police in attendance.

    Add that to:
    CDC Lab Contamination Delayed Release Of Coronavirus Tests

    Cross contamination of coronavirus test kits reportedly happened at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) central laboratory in Atlanta after manufacturing practices were violated.

    The inability of the CDC to rapidly produce a test kit for the novel coronavirus was caused by a “glaring scientific breakdown” at the lab in Atlanta, “according to scientists with knowledge of the matter and a determination by federal regulators,” The Washington Post reported.

    “The CDC facilities that assembled the kits violated sound manufacturing practices, resulting in contamination of one of the three test components used in the highly sensitive detection process,” the Post reported.

    The Washington ComPost reported.

    “The CDC facilities that assembled the kits violated sound manufacturing practices, resulting in contamination of one of the three test components used in the highly sensitive detection process,”

    Then there was the goat that tested positive and before that the lion.

    Could Contaminated COVID-19 Tests Help Spread the Virus?

    from The Telegraph last week stated:

    Britain’s attempt to ramp up mass coronavirus testing has been dealt a blow after key components ordered from overseas were discovered to be contaminated with coronavirus, the Telegraph can disclose.


    One of the suppliers — the Luxembourg-based firm Eurofins — sent an email on Monday morning to government laboratories in the UK warning that a delivery of key components called “probes and primers” had been contaminated with coronavirus.

    There are a couple things that need to be unpacked in this. First, with the strict standards for medical equipment manufacturing — including testing equipment — how would tests not only become contaminated, but make it in to the supply chain? Second, with the possibility (even probability) that some number of contaminated tests were missed in the screening, there is a reasonable chance that a person could contract the virus from the tests themselves….

    Liked by 2 people

    1. After digesting you post, I see the scam. See the swabs may or may not be contaminated, they don’t NEED to be, only the receiver vessel needs contaminated or the keystone sample. In fact, JUST having the samples READ positive, when in FACT the people are clear, it is the TEST that is compromised, would explain A LOT,

      That would explain WHY there is a spike in CASES, but no correlating spike in EITHER hospitalizations OR deaths, because the virus is NOT spreading, the virus is DEAD, except in faulty test kits, faulty fudged numbers, and faulty reporting. I think it is NOW almost 100% a FICTION, pumped up solely by those faulty kits and stats, and parroted as FEAR to the public by the MSM and Dem officials and Govs.

      It would explain A LOT. Now, just think, what IF we the people, who DO have control, we just don’t use it, would simply, in mass if EVERYONE would simply RIP off the masks, and REFUSE to be tested UNLESS they ACTUALLY were REALLY sick, IE a fever, shortness of breath, etc.

      Most people, if they actually ARE being tested, of which I have my DOUBTS, are doing it not out or necessity, but out of FEAR. There is NO WAY that many tests a day are NEEDED, there CANNOT be that many sick, never was, not even at the REAL peak in April.

      See, THIS is the fallacy of their scam, right now, @ 1/4 or more of the country has been tested, EVENTUALLY, like in WEEKS at thew pace they are fudging, nearly EVERY man, woman, and child will have been TESTED.

      In my own state, the LIE is exposed DAILY. We have a 5.5% poistivity rate, out of OVER 750000 tests. Now we are a state of @ 4 million. SO @ 25% have been TESTTED. Now, comes the FACT that pts the LIE in the sunlight, if only people would utilize their brains. Out of 750000 cases, there is less than 700 deaths. or 2 % fatality rate (750000×5% positive =37500. Out of the 37500 positives, 700 have died or @2%) BUT, they ONLY list @14000 as “recovered” .

      See the FALLACY? WHERE are the OTHER 698500 people tested, they were NEGATIVE. They NEVER list that number. Also out of 37500 positives minus the 700 deaths= 36800 other people who are POSITIVE, not recovered and NOT dead. WHERE are they? They SURE aren’t in the ICU or hospital. AH, now you SEE the LIE. They act like ALL these positives have DIED, or are in dire straights, but we KNOW different. Most people, @98% recover with LITTLE to NO symptoms. They DON’T want to talk about THOSE people. They ONLY want their weapon to be utilized to AGAINST Trump and his supporters by TRASHING the economy via lockdown and arbitrary capricious “mandates”.

      I am SURE that ALL the other dem controlled states, or states with dem controlled health agencies, are doing EXACTLY the same as MINE.

      See, we SHOULD be quarantining the 37500 positive people, ALL the rest SHOULD be back to normal, and IF they get sick, not really likely IMHO, they would need a 2 week quarantine AND a HCQ regimen. THAT’S ALL. The LEFT KNOW this, hence the lockdown and requirements of 98% of the populace in the dem controlled or administered states, AND the pushback against HCQ.

      This is the FIRST (and LAST) time in HISTORY where the HEALTHY have been treated as ill. See THAT is the GREATEST myth of Covid, the one USED to quarantine us ALL. That it is spread by asymptomatic people. THAT is a LIE, and THE big one. Without THAT all the REST falls apart.

      Look at Sweden, they are LAUGHING their asses off at us, they are DONE with Covid. Curious, that besides the UK, SO is Europe. You NEVER see, Italy, China, France, Iran in the Covid news anymore. Europe simply STOPPED testing in mass, and went BACK to testing the SYMPTOMATIC, as it SHOULD be. Their cases went DOWN.

      Hell perhaps we should see what is in the water in SD. THEY are OVER it too, and they NEVER locked down, only sequestered the SICK and elderly, and they are back to normal.. I don’t want to hear the sparse population LIE either, Alaska has sparse populations, so does my state except for THREE larger cities. How come ALL the populace is paying for the CITIES. AH, the OTHER lie. Treating ALL locales as the SAME. Same dem gov, ALL punished. There are LARGE swaths of dem controlled states like Maine that are JUST as sparse as SD, WHY are THEY being punished? Because it is NOT about the virus, it is about the election and CONTROL till then.

      I HOPE that Nov 5th, after Trump is reelected in a landslide, that he has a national address, and EXPOSES the covid LIE.


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