Horowitz was but the beginning, Pandora’s box has been opened, what is done, cannot be UNDONE.

My take on ALL this. One simple, yet OVERLOOKED statement by Devin Nunes on Hannity last night. He stated that Papadopolous, Flynn, and Manafort, were ALL setup before July 31 2016, JUST as I have been saying…the Cabal have a MAJOR timeline problem, Nunes KNOWS it. He WILL act on it, as I am SURE Barr and Durham will. That was HUGE for him to say it. Now you know why Schiff went after Nunes phone records and lied to smear him, JUST as he did when Nunes went to the WH SCIFF to see Obama’s PDB. Schiff filed ethics complaints against Nunes, and had him recused while under a bogus ethics complaint.

That delayed the release of the Nunes memo, which Horowitz just CONFIRMED. The dossier WAS the predicate as I have always known and stated. It was the entire enchilada, and even Mueller used it, his entire job was to verify just ONE thing in it, and he COULDN’T.

Schiff in his counter memo stated it was NOT the dossier, but Papadopolous that was the predicate. WHOOPS. He forgot that Papadopolous was APRIL and MAY of 2016 BEFORE Crossfire began. Timeline problem, ESPECIALLY when my suspicions were CONFIRMED by Horowitz, Papadopolous had a FISA on him at that time, as did Flynn and Manafort, WAY before July 31 2016..WHOOPSIE! People think Schiff is smart, he ISN’T. He is the DUMBEST “lawyer” I have ever seen. He makes mistakes that even Michael Avenatti would not make, like forgetting their LIE dates.

I also now suspect that Don Jr did NOT have a FISA on him simply because Manafort DID. The June 9th Trump Tower meeting, of which there was OBVIOUSLY surveillance, was using Manafort’s FISA to ensnare Don Jr with Fusion GPS controlled Natalia Veselnitskaya. THAT is why the dems wanted Grand Jury sealed testimony from Mueller, I will bet my Gopher suit that that info was ON don Jr, who was NOT indicted. I theorized before that Don Jr BEAT them by one simple thing, he ALSO had tapes of that meeting, ALL big businessmen TAPE their meeting rooms to get a competitive advantage, Don Jr, knew and IMMEDIATELY released ALL his emails.

Don Jr testified for something like 12 hours before various House committees…remember Schiff running to the MSM during a restroom break,,,,they were trying to use a simple word mistake to ENTRAP Don Jr. One false word= perjury, ONE problem, he too had the EXACT transcript, and I bet he read from it VERBATUM.
I told you guys Carter Page was a SPY, he FINALLY admitted it to Hannity last night. I STILL think he was a plant, i do NOT buy his “AW shucks” routine. The FACT that they brought him in LATE, his FISA was issued in OCTOBER 2016, and that they USED and LIED about his contacts with Igor Sechin which were FOR our CIA, speak VOLUMES. Carter Page KNEW he worked FOR the CIA, yet he kept that HIDDEN for nearly THREE years. If at ANY time during Mueller, he would have BLOWN up the Russia Narrative THEN.

Carter Page LIED to Hannity and other CONSERVATIVE outlets for over THREE years, always presenting himself when Mifsud, Halper, and Papdopolous came into the light. He even told Hannity that he did his work for FREE. Page was a CIA SPOOK, he was SENT to infiltrate Igor Sechin’s organization, gather info, and then turn states evidence, that is a SKILLSET. Why should we BELIEVE that he was not doing the EXACT same thing on Trump?

Because he looks like Opie? Because he said he did it for free and was a patriot? Because he says he was a VICTUM? I want you to think about this, Cater Page was VERY familiar with FISA warrants and surveillance, he was spying FOR our CIA on Sechin in 2014, and he HAD a FISA on him then to USE that info. Do not try and tell me he did not know then that he did, I guess he didn’t know he was wearing a WIRE either and he did not know just WHAT he was trying to get out of Sechin, If you believe that I have some oceanfront property in Nebraska to see you CHEAP!

Page was a MEANS to retroactively “justify” ALL the previous spying on Papadopolous, Flynn, and Manafort. ALL those operations to tie Trump to “Russians” FAILED bigtime, they had EXCULPATORY evidence on them ALL that they “lost”, my considerable ASS they lost it, that info went straight to the shredder.

One last thing on this, which ALWAYS gets “conveniently” overlooked by the MSM and nearly everyone. Trump Tower and likely the WH were BUGGED because of this crap. The REAL spying was THERE and the NSA abuses, and THAT is the Dossier. The FISA abuses were to prove and or “justify” the dossier, NOTHING more. Ask yourself this, what was the dossier contention? That Trump was compromised by Putin and “Russians” and that they colluded to “interfere” in the 2016 election. I guess NO ONE remembers that the dossier was out WAY before Carter Page’s FISA in October 2016, it just was NOT public. Where did THAT info come from? What were ALL the spies in foreign countries and here supposed to be DOING? Establishing the premise that Trump and his campaign had contacts with “Russians” to collude.

One BIG problem. FLynn’s contact was LEGIT, there were MANY Congress members that had contact with Kislyak the Russian Ambassador. Manafort was setup by bad actors in UKRAINE, which turned out to be another lie and setup orchestrated by Cabal members in State like Yovanovich, Winer, Nuland, Kerry, Taylor, and Vidland, and Alexandra Chalupa a DNC operative. NONE of these people are RUSSIANS.

It was the WRONG Michael Cohen listed in the dossier, so there was NO Prague meeting with Russians there.

Papadopolous was setup by Mifsud (Italy and Maltese), Halper (UK and CIA), and Downer (Australlia). Again NONE Russian. They TRIED with Veselnitskaya on Don Jr, that too FAILED as Veselnitskaya’s ties to Glen Simpson and Fusion GPS, as well as her not even supposed to have been admitted to the county, blew that up.

They NEEDED the Russia connection to make their scheme work…enter Carter Page, the ONLY man that actually had contact with a Russian in this whole scheme. Keep in mind of ALL the people set up by the Cabal ONLY Carter Page was NOT charged, despite being accused of ESPIONAGE with Igor Sechin by the FBI, which was the VERY REASON for his FISA (supposedly). Even Don Jr was setup to be indicted, he just BEAT them.

I want to state this LOUD and CLEAR. Russia DID NOT, in ANY substantive WAY interfere in ANY way with our 2016 election. It was ALL smoke and mirrors to cover up Hillary’s flaws, her Server problem, and the damaging WikiLeaks releases that likely came from a now deceased DNC operative Bernie Bro who found out that the DNC primaries were RIGGED against his candidate, and wanted that revealed.

Then NEEDED the Russia Babayega to explain their faults, their candidates weakness, AND to cover up their political spying on the opposition candidate(s). They CHANGED their narrative MULTIPLE times to cover that, starting with Robby Mook in July 2016 telling CNN that Russia “hacked” the DNC. Then it morphed into Russia hacked the election, then Russia “interfered” in the election for Trump against Clinton, and finally to Trump and Russia “colluded” to rig the 2016 election against Hillary by using WikiLeaks releases. ALL bullshit to cover THEIR crimes.

What did they do instead of moving on? Doubled down and tried to make Trump resign at first by using the Dossier as “blackmail” by James Comey…MULTIPLE times, while under OBVIOUS surveillance in Trump Tower. Then when they realized that Trump would NOT resign, and he FIRED Comey for his maleficence, they moved to Mueller to try and INDICT a sitting President for TREASON with Russia, when they could find ZERO evidence, despite trying multiple times to manufacture it (Alfa bank pigs being another..Hi Jean Camp..), they set obstruction of justice traps that Trump did not fall for. To make it all work they set up Flynn and Sessions two staunch Trump allies who COULD have stopped and revealed it ALL.

When Mueller was BADLY failing Rosenstein panicked and offered to wear a wire to set up Trump DIRECTLY. Andrew McCabe, of ALL people, blew that open, and THAT lead to Sessions resignation, Whittaker being appointed to neuter Rosenstein (he had ONE job to FREE Barr from being labeled a lap dog). Whittaker was the place holder for Barr. Barr came in and ENDED the Mueller farce and used Sessions SECRET weapon John Durham, to get to the bottom of what happened and WHO was a participant AND who was RESPONSIBLE.

That is were we were before the current FARCE of an Impeachment. Horrowitz fact gathering was DEVISTATING, and i believe he had this ALL ready for MONTHS. The delay was just HOW to try and word it so the Cabal could save face, hence the “no political bias” bullshit. Now we are waiting, as are the Cabal, for the LAST shoe to drop. His name is John Durham, and he will BRING the PAIN. Barr will deliver the PUNISHMENT.

What did the Cabal do? Tripled down on stupid, now going through a fruitless, ONE sided, PARTISAN, unfair impeachment inquiry. Which ONLY served to SHOW that Trump was RIGHT, these people are sick, evil, and LUST for ONLY power. They do not believe in the Constitution, they SHRED it unless they can manipulate it to their WHIM. These fools just produced two articles of Impeachment WITHOUT basis in fact, conducted in a kangaroo court that even Stalin would be ashamed of.

They are charging the President of obstruction of Congress for failing to cooperate in a kangaroo ILLEGAL court, one held in mostly secret, with cherry picked one sided evidence, monopolized by a partisan hack Adam Schiff, denying the President representation, due process, and the ability to both face his accuser and call witnesses and subpoena documents. They RAILROADED this through despite lack of first hand witnesses, withholding of exculpatory evidence AND witnesses, and all based upon hearsay and what they THOUGHT Trump though, not what he did. Where did we hear that before..oh year the Three year witch hunt and Mueller fiasco based upon a dossier which was ILLEGAL and bullshit.

The baseless charge of Obstruction of Congress WILL be thrown away, executive privilege WITHOUT formal articles and a FORMAL impeachment HOLDS, especially when you factor in the strong arm kangaroo court tactics employed by Schiff and Nadler.

As for abuse of power? LMAO. So conducting foreign policy, using NEGOTIATING is an abuse of power. Right. Then NO President can EVER again negotiate ANY deals using CONTENGENCIES. My ass. The Dems tried to do what they ALWAYS have done. Create a crime or appearance of a crime and work BACKWORDS to the trial. That is EXACTLY the opposite of our Constitutional due process, and the kind of things that happen in banana Republics or Communist states.

ANY fool that votes for this can kiss their seat and possibly their FREEDOM goodbye. I really do NOT think their will be a Senate Trial, I think Durham will SEE to that. I cannot see how they can work together unless the trial, the REAL trial is not on Trump, but on the CABAL. The Senate CANNOT prosecute, Barr and Durham CAN and WILL.

I think, They will Impeach, BUT the Senate will simply NOT take up, because there WILL be NEW evidence of the conspiracy against Trump, and it will come AFTER the House vote,, getting them ALL on the record..for a coup…based on a sham, and then Durham indicts the conspirators on the FIRST coup, who just happen to be the SAME ones from THIS coup…which forces the Senate to throw it out, AND the NEW SPOTH to WITHDRAW the impeachment base upon that new evidence. See, NEW SPOTH House will be there because Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler, WILL be indicted for their roles in the PREVIOUS coup. Durham HAS the Gang of 8 transcripts, and the underlings WILL squeal to save THEIR necks.

That’s my take, The conspirators will be indicted, the scheme WILL be revealed, and the Impeachment sham will be revealed as a LAME attempt by the SAME conspirators to cover up the FIRST. That is the ONLY way we can keep the country from ripping itself apart. Reveal the scam, and the scammers, then punish them ALL, and allow what is left of the dems to “save face” by recalling a phony impeachment.

Trump WILL win in a landslide, the country will heal, and the conspirators WILL pay. The dem party will be RIPPED asunder, and will not be what it once was. If we have to go through a Senate Trial, things will be MUCH worse for the country and the conspirators and their party. There will be DEEP lasting divisions. I hope my first scenario happens instead of the latter, scorched earth burns both sides.

4 thoughts on “Horowitz was but the beginning, Pandora’s box has been opened, what is done, cannot be UNDONE.

  1. Obama was running the spy ring oooops I mean Valerie Jarrett had Obama find out all he could the very first day he took office.


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