The REAL reason for the “Urgency” and rush to “impeachment”

Hat tip to a post on the Q tree from Ladypenguin quoting a tweet from ABC and  M. Joseph Sheppard.

Apparently Ruth Ginsberg had to have a “routine emergency” procedure, and will miss several opening arguments.  There is NOTHING routine about an “emergency surgery”, especially when one is 85 and has a history, including a RECENT history of Pancreatic cancer, with a SHUNT implant AND a partial “removal”.  This is IT folks.  The reaper is on his way.

NOW does the rush to “impeachment” and this “inquiry” make sense. You bet your hat it does! Ol Ruthie must be about to go to her infernal “reward” and they did this with this SHAM to try and keep Trump from naming a THIRD Justice. I will bet my gopher suit on it. They are BANKING on a show sham “impeachment” to be able to STOP or delegitimization of the NEXT nominee Amiee Coney Barret.

They KNOW they can’s stop her by “Kavavanaughing” her ( even though she is a Republican nominee, she is STILL a woman, and they DARE not go there, and from ALL reports she is HIGHLY qualified, AND clean as driven snow. ), so they hope to STOP Trump from nominating her because he is “impeached” and therefore not legitimate, completely IGNORING that he JUST LIKE BILL CLINTON, will NOT be removed. Bill Clinton nominated Ginsberg AFTER he was impeached. It would also serve to “delegitimize Barrett” in their eyes.

They THINK that they can “intimidate Trump and or McConnell into NOT getting Barret confirmed. THIS is their play. Their REAL play. They and we ALL know there was ZERO chance of removing Trump in this farce. This is ALL about stopping Barrett, and hoping to weaken Trump enough that he would lose in 2020 so a leftist loon could take over Ginsberg’s seat. They THINK they will be either able to weaken Trump enough to lose, or they plan to CHEAT MASSIVELY to beat him.

ALL to save Ginsberg’s “seat” Now the urgency ALL makes sense, the “secrecy makes sense, the FARCE trials make sense. They WILL vote to “impeach Trump, KNOWING he will NOT be removed. This is ALL about saving that seat. It WILL happen BEFORE Christmas. It HAS TOO. My bet, Ginsberg will NOT see the new year, thus the URGENCY and FARCE in a hurry DESPITE TONSE of exculpatory evidence.

THIS is why Schiff had to be “appointed” to do the railroad. Nadler is too weak and INCOMPETANT, he would take too much time, and NOT do the railroad “properly”. What a shit storm.

Hey Adam and Nancy, nice TRY. I am on to you, which means OTHERS are or soon will be. You scheme will FAIL. See you put your eggs in the basket that 1. Ruth would even MAKE it to the new year, and 2. That you will not be exposed.

Q told us ALL months ago. He told us of the Storm, he told us of Ginsberg, he told us of your EVIL, and he told us of the Great Awakening. In the END God and therefore WE win, which means YOU and EVIL LOSE.

You will be wrong on BOTH counts. The Lord sets the hour of people’s death, and my bet is he has plans for Ruth that WILL crush yours. You will NOT be able to HIDE it when she passes, though you WILL try, you CAN’T. Trump has “watchers” and they WILL out it.

Secondly, Barr JUST gave the “signal’ Horowitz on deck, my bet NEXT WEEK. Then IMMEDIATELY followed by Durham and Barr INDICTING the first coup perpetrators. See, Adam and Nancy, even if you DON’T get indicted then, your gave is OVER. Know why? BOTH of you are Gang of 8 members, you KNEW, and you not only did NOTHING to stop it, you ENABLED the first coup, ESPECIALLY you Adam. When the first coup is revealed, BOTH of you, and this BOGUS farce of an inquiry HAVE TO GO, or, IT WILL BE OBVIOUS that this is TREASON. In other words, you BOTH are F*CKED.

You will LOSE your SCOTUS seat. You will LOSE your first coup friends. You will be EXPOSED. You will LOSE your current FARCE coup attempt. You will then LOSE your power. Your party will LOSE the House. You have NO chance at the Senate. You have NO chance at the Presidency, Trump WILL win in a landslide.

Then, Finally, sometime in 2020, you WILL be indicted, you WILL lose your Congressional seats, you WILL go to prison, you MAY even meet the business end of a 6′ rope over that ominous 8′ sudden drop, you SHOULD, but you may just be “allowed” to live out your remaining time on Earth KNOWING that it was YOU and YOUR party, and YOUR actions that DESTROYED the Democratic Party forever, lost a super majority in the House and Senate, and lost a GENERATION of Circuit, Appeals, and SCOTUS judiciary.

IT may be better to let you live to see the great resurgence of America brought about by the man that you tried to destroy, but who will instead go down as the GREATEST President in US History. May you live forever in that ignominy.

Tic tock BWAHAHAHAHAHAA!. Show time !

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