I think I finally have it Figured out, thanks to Q. It is ALL about the server.

Hey everyone, I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukah or Kwanzaa, or whatever. I as I am sure the rest of you, took a few days “breather” for the Holidays. I come back to it this morning, and what do my wondering eyes see? A Q post reference #3764.

What is it talking about? The DNC SERVER(S), CrowdStrike, and Ukraine. Recall that I have speculated extensively that this ENTIRE shampeachment was NOT about politics, NOT about Joe and Hunter Biden, and NOT about any Trump crimes or misdemeanors. Hell, it was not even about the MONEY involved. It was ALL about that CrowdStrike server in Ukraine, just as I speculated on my blog here:


In this article I discuss the revealing of Eric Ciaramella, but more importantly, I point to the SEVER in Ukraine. In this short post, BEFORE the one on Ciaramella, I speculate just WHAT that SERVER was. Here:


Q, just basically CONFIRMED my suspicions. That server IS the “Holy Grail” to the Cabal. The fact that Q mentions SERVER(S) …means MULTIPLE servers. He also says they were ALL connected to the DNC, CrowdStrike AND the NSA. HOLY SHIT.

He goes on to state, almost unequivocally what I and others have suspected for a LONG time, I even wrote it in my book, that A DNC intern was the LEAK to WikiLeaks, that the transfer speeds were TOO fas for ANY internet transfer, and had to be done LOCALLY by a staffer to achieve the transfer speeds.

The Cabal never thought to erase the metadata from the WikiLeaks release that PROVE the transfer speeds, because they are STUPID, and NEVER thought anyone would look, let alone understand and reveal their findings.

Q goes on to state that their was a “curious” lack of interest in the “hacked” DNC server by the FBI, who DEFERRED the “investigation” to CrowdStrike. Now we know WHY.

I had speculated to Wolfe on Q tree that CrowdStrike was and IS a CIA or Government FRONT. They were using OUR NSA database to SPY. ILLEGALLY, on political enemies, including Americans, ESPECIALLY Donald Trump. I told Wolfe that the DNC server, I thought, was one of SEVERAL, ALL connected, to OUR NSA database. They were in fact “mirrors” of each other.

I speculated that there was one at the DNC, Hillary had one in her bathroom, we ALL know it as her email server, one in Hawaii, one in North Korea, one in Australia, one in New Zealand, AND one in Ukraine. Someone, I am sorry I do not recall who, also speculated that their may have even been one in Saudi Arabia AND Iran. ALL mirrored together, ALL containing the same info of ALL Cabal corruption, fronts, scams, pay for play, and most importantly an NSA access point to SPY on anyone, anywhere. “The Hammer” as Maxine Waters described Obama’s database on EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING in 2013.

I believe that this was a NSA access point for EVERYONE in the Cabal to access “dirt” on their opponents, and it was used a LOT. Sometimes, it was “outsourced” to Five Eyes (UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada), when it was needed to gather “dirt” on Americans and plausible deniability was needed to circumvent 4th Amendment law. Sometimes it was used in the “off book” servers in NK, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, and even Iran when info was too “hot” for even Five Eyes leaves a trail. The Off book ones, do NOT.

I think I finally have it ALL pieced together folks. It ALL fits, even going back to Hillary’s email server. This was ALL connected, EVERYTHING, including the shampeachment, ALL by the SAME people, over the SAME thing, their own GRAFT, CORRUPTION, and kickbacks of US tax payer money to THEM, laundered through the Clinton Foundation, and other “charitable” foundations, Like McCain’s though not yet discovered.

I wrote in my book that Obama ordered the dossier on Trump, and it was compiled using OUR NSA database by Nellie Ohr, and the edited and promoted by Christopher Steele to make it look legit. It was disseminated throughout our Government, Congress, the MSM, and Foreign Intelligence “allies” for “corroboration”

I said that Ohr had accessed it directly through her job with Fusion GPS. That she was specifically used because she was CIA and had “clearance” I said that Obama granted her and Fusion GPS access to the NSA database, and then had Rice and Power “unmask” the 702 queries used to form the BASIC dossier that Obama SOLD to the highest bidder, which turned out to be Hillary. Obama paid Fusion 972 k in 2016 for opposition research. Hillary paid 12 MILLION for the dossier, but laundered it through the DNC, which SHE controlled after lending them money, and Perkin Couie her law firm under the guise of “campaign work”…a CLEAR campaign finance violation, but necessary due to the plausible deniability needed to what came WITH the dossier, NSA access, US and FOREIGN government aide and utilization, including senior WH personnel unmasking Americans by the BOAT load. ONLY Obama could grant and provide ALL those things, and THAT is why it was 12 million. That is why the dossier was “believed” by everyone in the DC bubble, they ALL knew where it came from, it may as well have had the official Presidential seal on it.

The dossier, as I wrote, was meant to be the FINAL nail in Trump’s coffin after Access Hollywood, but the SDNY threat to expose Weiners laptop made Comey reopen the Hillary email case, which knowing what I now know, was IMPOSSIBLE, and had to be a misdirection, ran by none other than Peter Strzok, to GET that laptop from SDNY. That laptop had the KEYS to the OTHER servers, via info Huma STOLE from Hillary’s server, and that could NEVER be allowed out. The dossier was SHELVED, but was it ALREADY used as retroactive cover for ALL the other spying done to Manafort, Trump, Flynn, Papadopolous, and others? I believe it WAS, that is why the EXACT date of the FIRST FISA on Carter Page, who /I still believe a plant, was and IS redacted. Because was it BEFORE or AFTER Comey reopened the email investigation on Oct 28 2016? I bet BEFORE.

It ALL boils down to the dossier folks, and NOT it’s contents, but WHERE, WHEN, HOW, and by WHOM it was constructed. Once the Cabal USED the dossier in “official” FISC court filings, it HAD to be “protected, and HIDDN as best it could, to NOT reveal just how it was made, using OUR NSA. It IS the Holy Grail. It LEADS to the NSA abuses, which LEAD to ALL the OTHER servers, and just how much spying our own Government, and who knows who ELSE had access. Who KNOWS what lives and secrets were LOST for money by BAD actors paid to OUR OWN Government for access to that NETWORK. It is no longer just a server, it was a NETWORK of mirrored severs.

To the point, I now, just today believe I was right all along on Nellie Ohr and her accessing the NSA database to form the dossier. BUT, I always thought she did it HERE in the US. I was wrong. She had a third party (Vindland? Yovanovich? Taylor?) access the info in UKRAINE from their access point and relay that info to her. Was THAT what her ham radio license procured in 2016 was ALL about? I think so.

I think as a “layer” of smoke and deniability, the access of the NSA was done REMOTELY, off book, and it had to be someplace that ONE was an ally, TWO had no logging, Three was completely controlled by friendlies, and FOUR one where a corrupt government would keep their mouths SHUT about what was going on, and FIVE, one that would NEVER be discovered. Ukraine fits ALL that bill, and when you couple the activities HERE of Alexandra Chalupa at the US Ukrainian embassy, with the Ukraine setup on Manafort using the “black ledger”, it ALL adds up.

Ukraine was a DEN of corruption, and completely under US Cabal control. They WOULD play ball as the Biden shakedown proved. Porshenko was in essence a puppet, and Ukraine was a proxy state of the US, used to kick back US taxpayer aide to Cabal members under the THREAT of pulling aide if they did NOT play ball. Just what they accused Trump of doing…projection at it’s finest!

All the Cabal were on the take. Look at the list of people with KNOWN contacts in Ukraine, either PERSONAL, or through family members. It is a Who’s who of the Cabal. Joe Biden through Hunter. John Kerry through his step son. Nancy Pelosi through her son Paul with another Ukrainian energy company that was just revealed that SHE lobbied for. Adam Schiff has PERSONAL connections to a Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Pasternak. You just KNOW that Obama is tied in there somewhere yet to be revealed. Hillary is deeply tied to the Ukraine through Alexandra Chalupa and guess what country was a LEADING contributor to the Clinton Foundation…yep Ukraine.

So you see the dossier leads to Ukraine and the CrowdStrike Server, which leads to ALL the spying done off book by our own Government at the behest of Barack Obama. That is why that dossier MUST be protected, it’s origins lead to the server, and the server leads to all the corruption, and money trails AND the “sources and methods” Evelyn Farcus was talking about, they ALL used that server network for dirt on opponents weather to make a story “disappear” or to get a vote from a compromised Senator on a stupid bill or a Supreme Court Justice to affront the Constitution and make law from whole cloth, it was ALL illegal.

Now you know why that CrowdStrike was in on the DNC server “hack” and most certainly it and Hillary’s email server destruction. The Ukraine server is HOME BASE, installed there by us (CIA) for off book info gathering and used to avoid prying eyes of oversight or an actual MSM investigation. CrowdStrike not only handled the DNC and Hillary coverups, they PLANTED the “Russian” hoax info as COVER. Then they found out just WHO the REAL leaker was…it HAD to be someone named Seth.

Then they went about covering up that loose end by planting “Russian” code on the DNC server that ONLY they could see. That lead to the Obama admin insisting that it was Russia that hacked the DNC, AND that WikiLeaks was nothing more than a Russian proxy who released the data to hurt Hillary and help Trump, therefore “Russian collusion” See BOTH tracks had to be covered, first the Seth guy was “silenced”, did CrowdStrike know? I don’t know that, but I am sure now thanks to Q that it was THEM that outed Seth as the leaker. Then to lead AWAY from the actual leaker, CrowdStrike DID construct a phony “Russian” hack using Fancy Bear malware to obtain the files…an OBVIOUS lie to ANYONRE that knows just how computer systems and the internet works and at WHAT speeds. There is NO SYSTEM available in 2016 that could transfer 1.9 GB at 22 mb/s over a REMOTE server, which is what Guccifer 2, an obvious CIA agent, claimed. it HAD to be a flash drive for that speed.

Once Seth was silenced, and the Russians fingered for the “hack” then the DNC, Cabal, and their opperatives went about smearing the publisher of the leaks, WikiLeaks, as a Russian Proxy to discredit their work. Then that info was later used to perpetuate the entire premise, going along with the dossier, that Trump was in bed with Putin to “steal” the 2016 election from Hillary using info FROM hacks Russia made, gave to WikiLeaks, who then gave it to Trump before publishing it. ABSURD on it’s face, but it is what started it.

It was the WikiLeaks that Mifsud and Halper used to set up George Papadopolous, who was named as THE predicate by Adam Shiff in his Nunes memo rebuttal. It was Alexander Downer that back channeled that info to Brenna through Five eyes, about Papadopolous bragging on info Mifsud had told him in APRIL 2016. Downer found out in MAY 2016 in a bar in London about the WikiLeaks planted into Papadopolous. This was BEFORE the WikiLeaks were even published in July 2016, and WAY before July 31 2026 the start of operation Crossfire Hurricane, which was supposed to be the START of all the spying on team Trump via a counter intel investigation. ONE problem, Papadopolous, Manafort (Feb and March 2016 by the black ledger in Ukraine) and Don Jr Trump Tower meeting in June 9th 2016, were ALL before Crossfire began, ALL were spied upon, and ALL had FISA’s, WHY before they even OPENED the counter intel investigation. Because of the dossier IT was the predicate that Trump was compromised by sex and money by Russia. BUT, it had to remain hidden. They NEEDED justification for ALL their spying on not only Americans, but Americans that were running for President. Enter Carter Page, and HIS FISA, despite having worked FOR our CIA AGAINST Igor Sechin. They omitted and altered that fact.

Page WENT ALONG. He was the only one besides Don Jr of the spying setups to NOT be arrested or CHARGED, despite supposedly BEING the predicate. He was labeled a agent of a foreign power. While Page DID complain, it was weak, ALL he had to do was tell ANYONE about his work FOR the CIA against Igor Sechin IN Russia and their WHOLE house of cards comes tumbling DOWN, and QUICKLY, het he remained SILENT, lying and denying he ever worked for the US Government, and when he DID some 2 and a half years later, admit it, he told Hannity he was a patriot and did it for FREE. RIGHT, most “patriots” infiltrate, set up, and take down the Russian mob and not only LIVE to tell about it, but plaster their faces all over TV and radio. Page was a MEANS to get retroactive justification for ALL the previous spying so that the means and methods used (the dossier) would remain hidden from public view. That way the Server(s) and their true purposes would never be outed.

Trump and Russia were SCAPEGOATS to cover Cabal CRIMES. They are VICTIMS. Russia is NOT an innocent, BUT, they did NOT do what they were accused of, neither did WikiLeaks or Trump. They were simply a means to COVER up the Cabal SOP on opponents.

That is why the narrative KEPT changing from Russia “hacked” the DNC to Russia “hacked” the election, to Russia “interfered” in the election, to Trump and Russia “colluded” to interfere in the 2016 election. They kept the basic premise in the dossier (Russia had compromised Trump) and morphed the acts done by WikiLeaks and Trump’s July 27th joke about Russia being able to find Hillary’s emails to fit the particular need of the moment.

When Trump found out he was being spied upon, and the lengths the Cabal went to thanks to Admiral Mike Rogers Nov 17th 2016 meeting, Trump MOVED his transition operation IMMEDIATELY to Bedford NJ. The Cabal had to know the jig was up. President Elect Trump KNEW he was spied upon, and he WAS going to get the perpetrators.

That is when I believe that the dossier was repurposed as the blackmail to get Trump to resign. Comey met Trump once in Trump tower to “brief” the PEOTUS on the dossier (bugged and Comey’s contemporaneous notes), then again AFTER on Jan 17th, just DAYS before Trump was to be inaugurated. It was BLACKMAIL, It had to be, as sandwiched around the meetings were the Jan 5th by the book meeting Susan Rice wrote about in her CYA memo on Jan 20th 2017, hours before Trump took office. The one that described a meeting between Obama, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Kerry, and other senior WH officials like Rice, Power, Jarrett, etc. Obama ORDERED everyone to do it by the book…meaning the setup. Rice FINGERED them all with time, date, attendees, and place.

Two days later Comey briefed Trump on the dossier the FIRST time. Then on Jan 10th Buzzfeed published the dossier. Comey then went BACK to Trump on Jan 27th to brief Trump AGAIN on the dossier that he had ALREADY been briefed on, and had already been PUBLISHED. WHY do a 2nd brief, in PERSON, and ALONE? Blackmail to get Trump to first withdraw BEFORE he took office on the 7th, and then to RESIGN just 7 days AFTER Trump took office. It is a CLASSIC blackmail scenario, with FOLLOW up, or “consequences” There would be MORE.

Comey would meet Trump on Feb 14 AGAIN ALONE in the WH, to discuss the Flynn setup, which was an OBVIOUS “consequence” of Trump not resigning. It is the one Comey would release to the NY Times through his friend after he was FIRED. Now you know why, because Comey was the POINT man on the black mail, which KEPT failing to get Trump to resign. There were moves (Flynn fired) and counter moves Yayes fired for insubordination. Sessions forced recusal, and Comey FIRED.

When Comey was fired, the NEEDED a NEW point man, enter Robert Mueller. Muller took over the scheme, and met Trump ONE day BEFORE he was named SC by Rod Rosenstein. Another OBVIOUS quid pro quo scheme, resign or Mueller WILL prosecute as SC. That too as we see FAILED.

Even though Mueller wasted @40 million tax dollars, and set up, arrested, and SQUEEZED numerous Trump allies like Manafort, Papadopolous in July 2017, Cohen, and Roger Stone, no evidence to support his road map, the dossier, could be found. The Republican House was busy at the same time getting a lot of the Cabal perpetrators on the record in hearings. There were MAY firings, resignations, and a TON of info gathered that WILL be used by Durham soon.

Mueller FAILED to prosecute Trump, get him to resign, or get him impeached. MISERABLY. His and Rosensteins zeal lead to his own demise (the wearing a wire to entrap Trump) and the confirmation of Bill Barr. ONE day after Mueller failed, and AFTER Barr had revealed in May 2019 that John Durham was on the case and had been for seven months (thanks Mr Sessions) in SECRET, they used the Zelensky call to try and set Trump up in this shampeachment.

The Cabal were OBVIOUSLY keeping close taps on Trump, and were simultaneously watching the events in Ukraine with it’s NEW unexpected President. Zelensky obviously won on a anticorruption platform, and he was VERY friendly to Trump. I believe Trump KNEW the Cabal were watching him and Ukraine, and so he INTENTIONALLY mentioned the CrowdStrike server IN Ukraine to illicit a response, which Schiff, and the Cabal happily obliged.

That’s tight, Trump WANTED them to try this, and WAS ready for it. He INTENTIONALLY brought up that server, CowdStrike, and 2016 in the SAME sentence with Bill Barr and Rudy. He KNEW that would send off alarm bells, was he TIPPED by someone? I am sure that the Cabal main players ARE being surveilled with their OWN FISA’s or warrants. Q said as much. Did Trump bait a TRAP?

He was READY for the Pelosi and Schiff shows, releasing the declassified transcript in RECORD time, almost like it was ready and WAITING till Pelosi and Schiff crossed the line…which they did. Then, what do Schiff and Pelosi do instead of punting? they TRIPPLE down on stupid, going full bore star chamber. Leading to a rushed, one sided, Soviet style railroad job. One leading to a real impeachment, getting ALL the Cabal on the record, something that WAS necessary for their trials later. The Cabal jumped the shark, over that SERVRER, they could not do it over Mueller or Russia, but they HAD to over that server. They give two rips about Joe Biden or Hunter, except that they could LEAD to that server, a NY times reporter STATED as much in an interview where she was NOT in the LEAST concerned about Joe Biden, except that he LEAD to the server. The LEFT always are a bad Batman villain and monologue their plans. ALL of this was to protect that server, just like they protected the dossier.

The SAME players are in ALL the coverups from Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, to James Comey, John Kerry, James Clapper, John Brennan, the MSM puppets, to Barack Obama. This time, in this sting, the revealed players like Vidland, Ciaramella, Taylor, and Yovanovich, I bet the SAME people were involved in the 2016 Ukraine setup of Manafort, and the Dossier info sent to Ohr.

Well there you have it. I hope it ALL comes into focus for you as it did me. I know it is long, and very confusing, and that is the Cabal methodology, they want things long, and drawn out, so they can skate. NOT this time, there are MANY more like me on this, they are NOT getting away this time, in fact, they sealed their OWN fate by voting for the sham, and THAT is why Pelosi will not send it to the Senate, for THEN the trial begins in EARNEST, and the TRUTH will come out, ALL of it. Not just Trump’s vindication, but THEIR guilt and schemes and the coverups. But most of all the SERVER. Pelosi realized that she had fallen into a trap, and she THINKS she can just stall and HOPE to create something else, WRONG.

Books, and movies SHOULD be made of this farce, but not under today’s world, this will be HISTORY. Trump has them caught, and the more they squirm, the TIGHTER the snare becomes. IF I am right, and I think I am, especially with what Q has said, MANY will go to prison for this, MANY more will resign, and a FEW at the TOP will pay the ultimate price. They MUST or America as we knew it is OVER. The Cabal themselves said it best, “NO one is above the law”. In the end, they ALL had only ONE boss, and he will be reviled as the WORST, most corrupt, and criminal President EVER. Barack Obama will go down in INFAMY.

6 thoughts on “I think I finally have it Figured out, thanks to Q. It is ALL about the server.

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